Module cloudofficeprint.elements.charts
Expand source code
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, FrozenSet, Union
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from .elements import Element
class ChartTextStyle:
"""Class for defining the styling of the text for a chart."""
def __init__(self,
italic: bool = None,
bold: bool = None,
color: str = None,
font: str = None):
italic (bool, optional): Whether or not the text should be in italic. Defaults to None.
bold (bool, optional): Whether or not the text should be in bold. Defaults to None.
color (str, optional): The color of the text. Defaults to None.
font (str, optional): The font of the text. Defaults to None.
self.italic: bool = italic
self.bold: bool = bold
self.color: str = color
self.font: str = font
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
"""The dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object.
Dict: dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object
result = {}
if self.italic is not None:
result["italic"] = self.italic
if self.bold is not None:
result["bold"] = self.bold
if self.color is not None:
result["color"] = self.color
if self.font is not None:
result["font"] = self.font
return result
class ChartDateOptions:
"""Class for defining the date options for a chart."""
def __init__(self,
format: str = None,
code: str = None,
unit: str = None,
step: Union[int, str] = None):
format (str, optional): The format to display the date on the chart's axis (e.g. unix). Defaults to None.
code (str, optional): The code for the date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy). Defaults to None.
unit (str, optional): The unit to be used for spacing the axis values (e.g. months). Defaults to None.
step (Union[int, str], optional): How many of the above unit should be used for spacing the axis values (automatic if undefined).
This option is not supported in LibreOffice. Defaults to None.
self.format: str = format
self.code: str = code
self.unit: str = unit
self.step: Union[int, str] = step
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
"""The dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object.
Dict: dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object
result = {}
if self.format is not None:
result["format"] = self.format
if self.code is not None:
result["code"] = self.code
if self.unit is not None:
result["unit"] = self.unit
if self.step is not None:
result["step"] = self.step
return result
class ChartAxisOptions:
"""Class for defining the axis options for a chart."""
def __init__(self,
orientation: str = None,
min: Union[int, float] = None,
max: Union[int, float] = None,
date: ChartDateOptions = None,
title: str = None,
values: bool = None,
values_style: ChartTextStyle = None,
title_style: ChartTextStyle = None,
title_rotation: int = None,
major_grid_lines: bool = None,
major_unit: Union[int, float] = None,
minor_grid_lines: bool = None,
minor_unit: Union[int, float] = None,
formatCode: str = None):
orientation (str, optional): The orientation of the axis, 'minMax' or 'maxMin'. Defaults to None.
min (Union[int, float], optional): Minimum of the axis. Defaults to None.
max (Union[int, float], optional): Maximum of the axis. Defaults to None.
date (ChartDateOptions, optional): Date options, only for stock charts. Defaults to None.
title (str, optional): Title of the axis. Defaults to None.
values (bool, optional): Whether or not to show the values on the axis. Defaults to None.
values_style (ChartTextStyle, optional): Styling for the values. Defaults to None.
title_style (ChartTextStyle, optional): Styling for the title. Defaults to None.
title_rotation (int, optional): Title rotation in degrees, clockwise from horizontal axis. Defaults to None.
major_grid_lines (bool, optional): Whether or not to show the major grid lines. Defaults to None.
major_unit (Union[int, float], optional): Automatic when undefined, spacing between major grid lines and axis values. Defaults to None.
minor_grid_lines (bool, optional): Whether or not to show the minor grid lines. Defaults to None.
minor_unit (Union[int, float], optional): Automatic when undefined, spacing between minor grid lines and axis values. Defaults to None.
formatCode (str, optional): Format code for axis data, "General", "Number" ... Defaults to None.
self.orientation: str = orientation
self.min: Union[int, float] = min
self.max: Union[int, float] = max ChartDateOptions = date
self.title: str = title
self.values: bool = values
self.values_style: ChartTextStyle = values_style
self.title_style: ChartTextStyle = title_style
self.title_rotation: int = title_rotation
self.major_grid_lines: bool = major_grid_lines
self.major_unit: Union[int, float] = major_unit
self.minor_grid_lines: bool = minor_grid_lines
self.minor_unit: Union[int, float] = minor_unit
self.format_code: str = formatCode
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
"""The dict representation of these chart axis options.
Dict: dict representation of these chart axis options
result = {}
if self.orientation is not None:
result["orientation"] = self.orientation
if self.min is not None:
result["min"] = self.min
if self.max is not None:
result["max"] = self.max
if is not None:
result["type"] = "date"
result["date"] =
if self.title is not None:
result["title"] = self.title
if self.values is not None:
result["showValues"] = self.values
if self.values_style is not None:
result["valuesStyle"] = self.values_style.as_dict
if self.title_style is not None:
result["titleStyle"] = self.title_style.as_dict
if self.title_rotation is not None:
result["titleRotation"] = self.title_rotation
if self.major_grid_lines is not None:
result["majorGridlines"] = self.major_grid_lines
if self.major_unit is not None:
result["majorUnit"] = self.major_unit
if self.minor_grid_lines is not None:
result["minorGridlines"] = self.minor_grid_lines
if self.minor_unit is not None:
result["minorUnit"] = self.minor_unit
if self.format_code is not None:
result["formatCode"] = self.format_code
return result
class ChartOptions():
"""Options object for a `Chart`."""
def __init__(self,
x_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None,
y_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None,
y2_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None,
width: int = None,
height: int = None,
border: bool = None,
rounded_corners: bool = None,
background_color: str = None,
background_opacity: int = None,
title: str = None,
title_style: ChartTextStyle = None,
grid: bool = None):
x_axis (ChartAxisOptions, optional): The options for the x-axis. Defaults to None.
y_axis (ChartAxisOptions, optional): The options for the y-axis. Note: date options for the y axis are ignored by the Cloud Office Print server. Defaults to None.
y2_axis (ChartAxisOptions, optional): The options for the y2-axis. Note: date options for the y2 axis are ignored by the Cloud Office Print server. Defaults to None.
width (int, optional): Width of the chart. Defaults to None.
height (int, optional): Height of the chart. Defaults to None.
border (bool, optional): Whether or not the chart should have a border. Defaults to None.
rounded_corners (bool, optional): Whether or not the chart should have rounded corners. Note: displaying rounded corners is not supported by LibreOffice. Defaults to None.
background_color (str, optional): Background color for the entire chart. Defaults to None.
background_opacity (int, optional): The opacity of the background color for the entire chart.
Note: backgroundOpacity is ignored if backgroundColor is not specified or if backgroundColor is specified in a color space which includes an alpha channel (e.g. rgba(0,191,255,0.5)).
In the latter case, the alpha channel in backgroundColor is used. Defaults to None.
title (str, optional): The title of the chart. Defaults to None.
title_style (ChartTextStyle, optional): The styling for the title of the chart. Defaults to None.
grid (bool, optional): Whether or not the chart should have a grid. Defaults to None.
self._legend_options: dict = None
self._data_labels_options: dict = None
self.x_axis: ChartAxisOptions = x_axis
self.y_axis: ChartAxisOptions = y_axis
self.y2_axis: ChartAxisOptions = y2_axis
self.width: int = width
self.height: int = height
self.border: bool = border
self.rounded_corners: bool = rounded_corners
self.background_color: str = background_color
self.background_opacity: int = background_opacity
self.title: str = title
self.title_style: ChartTextStyle = title_style
self.grid: bool = grid
def set_legend(self, position: str = 'r', style: ChartTextStyle = None):
"""Setter for the legend of the chart.
position (str, optional): Position of the legend. 'l': left, 'r': right, 'b': bottom, 't': top. Defaults to 'r'.
style (ChartTextStyle, optional): The styling for the text of the legend. Defaults to None.
self._legend_options = {
"showLegend": True
self._legend_options["position"] = position
if style is not None:
self._legend_options["style"] = style.as_dict
def remove_legend(self):
"""Setter for removing the legend from the chart."""
self._legend_options = None
def set_data_labels(self,
separator: str = None,
series_name: bool = None,
category_name: bool = None,
legend_key: bool = None,
value: bool = None,
percentage: bool = None,
position: str = None):
"""Setter for the data labels for the chart.
separator (str, optional): Seperator : can be either false or anything else for example \n or \t or ; or (, if false). Defaults to None.
series_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series name in the data label. Defaults to None.
category_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series category name in the data label. Defaults to None.
legend_key (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the legend key (i.e. the color of the series) in the data label. Defaults to None.
value (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the actual value in the data label. Defaults to None.
percentage (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the percentage in the data label. By default True for pie/pie3d and doughnut. Defaults to None.
position (str, optional): The position of the data label.
Can be 'center', 'left', 'right', 'above', 'below', 'insideBase', 'bestFit', 'outsideEnd', 'insideEnd'.
Note that not all options might be available for specific charts. Defaults to None.
self._data_labels_options = {
"showDataLabels": True
if separator is not None:
self._data_labels_options["separator"] = separator
if series_name is not None:
self._data_labels_options["showSeriesName"] = series_name
if category_name is not None:
self._data_labels_options["showCategoryName"] = category_name
if legend_key is not None:
self._data_labels_options["showLegendKey"] = legend_key
if value is not None:
self._data_labels_options["showValue"] = value
if percentage is not None:
self._data_labels_options["showPercentage"] = percentage
if position is not None:
self._data_labels_options["position"] = position
def remove_data_labels(self):
"""Setter to remove the data labels from the chart."""
self._data_labels_options = None
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
"""The dict representation of this ChartOptions object.
Dict: dict representation of this ChartOptions object
result = {
"axis": {
if self.x_axis is not None:
result['axis']['x'] = self.x_axis.as_dict
if self.y_axis is not None:
result['axis']['y'] = self.y_axis.as_dict
if self.y2_axis is not None:
result["axis"]["y2"] = self.y2_axis.as_dict
if self.width is not None:
result["width"] = self.width
if self.height is not None:
result["height"] = self.height
if self.border is not None:
result["border"] = self.border
if self.rounded_corners is not None:
result["roundedCorners"] = self.rounded_corners
if self.background_color is not None:
result["backgroundColor"] = self.background_color
if self.background_opacity is not None:
result["backgroundOpacity"] = self.background_opacity
if self.title is not None:
result["title"] = self.title
if self.title_style is not None:
result["titleStyle"] = self.title_style.as_dict
if self.grid is not None:
result["grid"] = self.grid
if self._legend_options is not None:
result["legend"] = self._legend_options
if self._data_labels_options is not None:
result["dataLabels"] = self._data_labels_options
return result
class Series(ABC):
"""Abstract base class for a series."""
def __init__(self, name: str = None): str = name
def data(self):
"""Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, ..."""
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
"""The dict representation of this Series object.
Dict: dict representation of this Series object
result = {
if is not None:
result["name"] =
return result
class XYSeries(Series):
"""A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values."""
def __init__(self,
x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]],
y: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
name: str = None,
color: str = None):
x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis.
y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis.
name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None.
color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart.
Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x
self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y
self.color: str = color
def data(self):
return [{
"x": x,
"y": y
} for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries':
"""Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe](
data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
name (str): The name for the series.
XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
x = list(data.iloc[:, 0])
y = list(data.iloc[:, 1])
return cls(x, y, name=name)
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
result = super().as_dict
if self.color is not None:
result['color'] = self.color
return result
class PieSeries(XYSeries):
"""A series for pie charts."""
def __init__(self,
x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]],
y: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
name: str = None,
colors: Iterable[str] = None):
x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis.
y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis.
name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None.
colors (Iterable[str], optional): Should be an iterable that contains the color for each specific pie slice.
If no colors are specified, the document's theme color is used.
If some colors are specified, but not for all data points, random colors will fill the gaps.
The value for non-specified colors must be None.
Warning: this is not the same as self.color of XYSeries, which is the color for the entire series, but this is not applicable to PieSeries.
Defaults to None.
super().__init__(x, y, name)
self.colors = colors
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
result = super().as_dict
if self.colors is not None:
# Add the color for each slice to 'data'
for i in range(len(tuple(self.colors))):
if self.colors[i] is not None:
result["data"][i]['color'] = self.colors[i]
return result
class AreaSeries(XYSeries):
"""A series for an area chart."""
def __init__(self,
x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]],
y: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
name: str = None,
color: str = None,
opacity: float = None):
x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis.
y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis.
name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None.
color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart.
Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
opacity (float, optional): The opacity for the color of the series. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(x, y, name, color)
self.opacity: float = opacity
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
result = super().as_dict
if self.opacity is not None:
result["opacity"] = self.opacity
return result
class LineSeries(XYSeries):
"""A series for a line chart."""
def __init__(self,
x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]],
y: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
name: str = None,
smooth: bool = None,
symbol: str = None,
symbol_size: Union[str, int] = None,
color: str = None,
line_width: str = None,
line_style: str = None):
x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis.
y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis.
name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None.
smooth (bool, optional): Whether or not the corners of the angles formed in the data-points are smoothened. Defaults to None.
symbol (str, optional): Symbol representing the datapoints. Can be square (default), diamond or triangle. Defaults to None.
symbol_size (Union[str, int], optional): Size of the symbol representing the data-points in (in em, pt, px, cm or in), by default: automatic. Defaults to None.
color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart.
Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
line_width (str, optional): Thickness of the connecting line in em, pt, px, cm or in. Defaults to None.
line_style (str, optional): Style of the line. Supported options can be found online on the Cloud Office Print documentation. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(x, y, name, color)
self.smooth: bool = smooth
self.symbol: str = symbol
self.symbol_size: Union[str, int] = symbol_size
self.line_width: str = line_width
self.line_style: str = line_style
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
result = super().as_dict
if self.smooth is not None:
result["smooth"] = self.smooth
if self.symbol is not None:
result["symbol"] = self.symbol
if self.symbol_size is not None:
result["symbolSize"] = self.symbol_size
if self.line_width is not None:
result["lineWidth"] = self.line_width
if self.line_style is not None:
result["lineStyle"] = self.line_style
return result
class BubbleSeries(XYSeries):
"""A series for a bubble chart."""
def __init__(self,
x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]],
y: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
sizes: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
name: str = None,
color: str = None):
x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis.
y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis.
sizes (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): An iterable containing the sizes for each bubble of the series.
name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None.
color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart.
Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(x, y, name, color)
self.sizes: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = sizes
def data(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
return [{
"x": x,
"y": y,
"size": size
} for x, y, size in zip(self.x, self.y, self.sizes)]
def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'BubbleSeries':
"""Generate a BubbleSeries from a [Pandas dataframe](
data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis and the sizes for the bubbles.
name (str): The name for the series.
BubbleSeries: BubbleSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
x = list(data.iloc[:, 0])
y = list(data.iloc[:, 1])
sizes = list(data.iloc[:, 2])
return cls(x, y, sizes, name=name)
class StockSeries(Series):
"""A series for candlestick charts."""
def __init__(self,
x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]],
high: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
low: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
close: Iterable[Union[int, float]],
open_: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = None,
volume: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = None,
name: str = None):
x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis.
high (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the hight prices.
low (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the low prices.
close (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the closing prices.
open_ (Iterable[Union[int, float]], optional): The data for the opening prices. Defaults to None.
volume (Iterable[Union[int, float]], optional): The data for the volumes. Defaults to None.
name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None.
self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x
self.high: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = high
self.low: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = low
self.close: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = close
# open argument gets a trailing _ because open() is a built-in function Iterable[Union[int, float]] = open_
self.volume: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = volume
def data(self):
result = [{
"x": x,
"high": high,
"low": low,
"close": close
} for x, high, low, close in zip(self.x, self.high, self.low, self.close)]
for i in range(len(result)):
if is not None:
result[i]["open"] =[i]
if self.volume is not None:
result[i]["volume"] = self.volume[i]
return result
def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'StockSeries':
"""Generate a StockSeries from a [Pandas dataframe](
data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the x, high, low and possibly volume and open data.
name (str): The name for the series.
StockSeries: StockSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
x = list(data.iloc[:, 0])
high = list(data["high"])
low = list(data["low"])
close = list(data["close"])
# volume and open are optional
open_ = list(data["open"])
except KeyError:
open_ = None
volume = list(data["volume"])
except KeyError:
volume = None
return cls(x, high, low, close, open_, volume, name=name)
# better to have a series for every possible chart for future-proofing, in case their options diverge later
BarSeries = BarStackedSeries = BarStackedPercentSeries = ColumnSeries = ColumnStackedSeries = ColumnStackedPercentSeries = ScatterSeries = XYSeries
RadarSeries = LineSeries
class Chart(Element, ABC):
"""The abstract base class for a chart."""
def __init__(self, name: str, options: Union[ChartOptions, dict] = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Element.__init__(self, name)
self.options: Union[ChartOptions, dict] = options
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
def _get_dict(self, updates: dict) -> Dict:
"""Update the given dict with the chart options and return the result.
updates (dict): the dict that needs to be updated with the chart options
Dict: the input dict, updated with the chart options
result = {}
if self.options is not None:
result["options"] = self.options if isinstance(
self.options, dict) else self.options.as_dict
return { result}
def available_tags(self) -> FrozenSet[str]:
return frozenset({"{$" + + "}"})
class LineChart(Chart):
"""Class for a line chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, lines: Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
lines (Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of line series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.lines: Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]] = lines
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"lines": [line.as_dict for line in self.lines],
"type": "line"
class BarChart(Chart):
"""Class for a bar chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, bars: Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
bars (Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of bar series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.bars: Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]] = bars
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"bars": [bar.as_dict for bar in self.bars],
"type": "bar"
class BarStackedChart(Chart):
"""Class for a stacked bar chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
bars (Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked bar series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedSeries, XYSeries]] = bars
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"bars": [bar.as_dict for bar in self.bars],
"type": "barStacked"
class BarStackedPercentChart(Chart):
"""Class for a stacked bar chart with the x-axis expressed in percentage"""
def __init__(self, name: str, bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedPercentSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
bars (Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked bar (percentage) series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedPercentSeries, XYSeries]] = bars
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"bars": [bar.as_dict for bar in self.bars],
"type": "barStackedPercent"
class ColumnChart(Chart):
"""Class for a column chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
columns (Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of column series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]] = columns
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"columns": [col.as_dict for col in self.columns],
"type": "column"
class ColumnStackedChart(Chart):
"""Class for a stacked column chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
columns (Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked column series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedSeries, XYSeries]] = columns
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"columns": [col.as_dict for col in self.columns],
"type": "columnStacked"
class ColumnStackedPercentChart(Chart):
"""Class for a stacked column chart with the x-axis expressed in percentage"""
def __init__(self, name: str, columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedPercentSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
columns (Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked column (percentage) series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedPercentSeries,
XYSeries]] = columns
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"columns": [col.as_dict for col in self.columns],
"type": "columnStackedPercent"
class PieChart(Chart):
"""Class for a pie chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
pies (Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of pie series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]] = pies
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"pies": [pie.as_dict for pie in self.pies],
"type": "pie"
class Pie3DChart(Chart):
"""Class for a 3D pie chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
pies (Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of 3D pie series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]] = pies
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"pies": [pie.as_dict for pie in self.pies],
"type": "pie3d"
class DoughnutChart(Chart):
"""Class for a doughnut chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, doughnuts: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
doughnuts (Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of doughnut series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.doughnuts: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]] = doughnuts
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"doughnuts": [nut.as_dict for nut in self.doughnuts],
"type": "doughnut"
class RadarChart(Chart):
"""Class for a radar chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, radars: Tuple[Union[RadarSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
radars (Tuple[Union[RadarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of radar series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.radars: Tuple[Union[RadarSeries, XYSeries]] = radars
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"radars": [radar.as_dict for radar in self.radars],
"type": "radar"
class AreaChart(Chart):
"""Class for an area chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, areas: Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
areas (Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of area series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.areas: Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]] = areas
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"areas": [area.as_dict for area in self.areas],
"type": "area"
class ScatterChart(Chart):
"""Class for a scatter chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, scatters: Tuple[Union[ScatterSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
scatters (Tuple[Union[ScatterSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of scatter series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.scatters: Tuple[Union[ScatterSeries, XYSeries]] = scatters
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"scatters": [scatter.as_dict for scatter in self.scatters],
"type": "scatter"
class BubbleChart(Chart):
"""Class for a bubble chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, bubbles: Tuple[BubbleSeries], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
bubbles (Tuple[BubbleSeries]): Iterable of bubble series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.bubbles: Tuple[BubbleSeries] = bubbles
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"bubbles": [bub.as_dict for bub in self.bubbles],
"type": "bubble"
class StockChart(Chart):
"""Class for a candlestick chart"""
def __init__(self, name: str, stocks: Tuple[StockSeries], options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
stocks (Tuple[StockSeries]): Iterable of stock series.
options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.stocks: Tuple[StockSeries] = stocks
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"stocks": [stock.as_dict for stock in self.stocks],
"type": "stock"
def _replace_key_recursive(obj: Dict, old_key: str, new_key: str) -> Dict:
"""Recursively replace the keys in a (possibly) nested dictionary with a new name.
Objects with key "options" will not be modified (y-axis stays y-axis).
obj (Dict): input dictionary
old_key (str): old name of the key
new_key (str): new name of the key
Dict: input dictionary with the old key name replaced by the new key name
for key, value in obj.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
if key != 'options':
obj[key] = _replace_key_recursive(value, old_key, new_key)
elif isinstance(value, list):
for i in range(len(value)):
value[i] = _replace_key_recursive(value[i], old_key, new_key)
if old_key in obj:
obj[new_key] = obj.pop(old_key)
return obj
class CombinedChart(Chart):
"""Class for a combined chart. It is possible to combine more than 2 types of chart but there can only be two value axes."""
def __init__(self, name: str, charts: Iterable[Chart], secondaryCharts: Iterable[Chart] = None, options: ChartOptions = None):
name (str): The name of the chart.
charts (Iterable[Chart]): Charts for the first y-axis.
secondaryCharts (Iterable[Chart], optional): Charts for the secondary y-axis. Defaults to None.
options (ChartOptions, optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(name, options)
self.charts: Iterable[Chart] = charts
self.secondaryCharts: Iterable[Chart] = secondaryCharts
def _get_modified_chart_dicts(self) -> List[Dict]:
"""Replace the y-axis with the y2-axis for the secondary charts.
Add the dict representation for each chart to a list and return that list.
List[Dict]: list containing the dict representation for each chart, after processing
primary_list = list(self.charts)
secondary_list = list(self.secondaryCharts)
dict_list = []
for chart in primary_list:
chart_dict_full = chart.as_dict
chart_dict = chart_dict_full[]
for chart in secondary_list:
chart_dict_full = chart.as_dict
chart_dict = chart_dict_full[]
dict_list.append(_replace_key_recursive(chart_dict, "y", "y2"))
return dict_list
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self._get_dict({
"type": "multiple",
"multiples": self._get_modified_chart_dicts()
class AreaChart (name: str, areas: Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for an area chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of area series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class AreaChart(Chart): """Class for an area chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, areas: Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. areas (Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of area series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.areas: Tuple[Union[AreaSeries, XYSeries]] = areas @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "areas": [area.as_dict for area in self.areas], "type": "area" })
Inherited members
class AreaSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None, opacity: float = None)
A series for an area chart.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
, optional- The opacity for the color of the series. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class AreaSeries(XYSeries): """A series for an area chart.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None, opacity: float = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. opacity (float, optional): The opacity for the color of the series. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(x, y, name, color) self.opacity: float = opacity @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.opacity is not None: result["opacity"] = self.opacity return result
Inherited members
class BarChart (name: str, bars: Tuple[XYSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a bar chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[XYSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of bar series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class BarChart(Chart): """Class for a bar chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, bars: Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. bars (Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of bar series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.bars: Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]] = bars @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "bars": [bar.as_dict for bar in self.bars], "type": "bar" })
Inherited members
class BarStackedChart (name: str, bars: Tuple[XYSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a stacked bar chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[XYSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of stacked bar series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class BarStackedChart(Chart): """Class for a stacked bar chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. bars (Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked bar series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedSeries, XYSeries]] = bars @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "bars": [bar.as_dict for bar in self.bars], "type": "barStacked" })
Inherited members
class BarStackedPercentChart (name: str, bars: Tuple[XYSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a stacked bar chart with the x-axis expressed in percentage
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[XYSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of stacked bar (percentage) series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class BarStackedPercentChart(Chart): """Class for a stacked bar chart with the x-axis expressed in percentage""" def __init__(self, name: str, bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedPercentSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. bars (Tuple[Union[BarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked bar (percentage) series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.bars: Tuple[Union[BarStackedPercentSeries, XYSeries]] = bars @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "bars": [bar.as_dict for bar in self.bars], "type": "barStackedPercent" })
Inherited members
class BubbleChart (name: str, bubbles: Tuple[BubbleSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a bubble chart
- The name of the chart.
- Iterable of bubble series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class BubbleChart(Chart): """Class for a bubble chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, bubbles: Tuple[BubbleSeries], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. bubbles (Tuple[BubbleSeries]): Iterable of bubble series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.bubbles: Tuple[BubbleSeries] = bubbles @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "bubbles": [bub.as_dict for bub in self.bubbles], "type": "bubble" })
Inherited members
class BubbleSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], sizes: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for a bubble chart.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- An iterable containing the sizes for each bubble of the series.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class BubbleSeries(XYSeries): """A series for a bubble chart.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], sizes: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. sizes (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): An iterable containing the sizes for each bubble of the series. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(x, y, name, color) self.sizes: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = sizes @property def data(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return [{ "x": x, "y": y, "size": size } for x, y, size in zip(self.x, self.y, self.sizes)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'BubbleSeries': """Generate a BubbleSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis and the sizes for the bubbles. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: BubbleSeries: BubbleSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) sizes = list(data.iloc[:, 2]) return cls(x, y, sizes, name=name)
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> BubbleSeries
Generate a BubbleSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis and the sizes for the bubbles.
- The name for the series.
- BubbleSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
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@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'BubbleSeries': """Generate a BubbleSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis and the sizes for the bubbles. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: BubbleSeries: BubbleSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) sizes = list(data.iloc[:, 2]) return cls(x, y, sizes, name=name)
Inherited members
class Chart (name: str, options: Union[ChartOptions, dict] = None)
The abstract base class for a chart.
- The name of the chart.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class Chart(Element, ABC): """The abstract base class for a chart.""" def __init__(self, name: str, options: Union[ChartOptions, dict] = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ Element.__init__(self, name) self.options: Union[ChartOptions, dict] = options @property @abstractmethod def as_dict(self) -> Dict: pass def _get_dict(self, updates: dict) -> Dict: """Update the given dict with the chart options and return the result. Args: updates (dict): the dict that needs to be updated with the chart options Returns: Dict: the input dict, updated with the chart options """ result = {} if self.options is not None: result["options"] = self.options if isinstance( self.options, dict) else self.options.as_dict result.update(updates) return { result} @property def available_tags(self) -> FrozenSet[str]: return frozenset({"{$" + + "}"})
- Element
- abc.ABC
- AreaChart
- BarChart
- BarStackedChart
- BarStackedPercentChart
- BubbleChart
- ColumnChart
- ColumnStackedChart
- ColumnStackedPercentChart
- CombinedChart
- DoughnutChart
- LineChart
- Pie3DChart
- PieChart
- RadarChart
- ScatterChart
- StockChart
Inherited members
class ChartAxisOptions (orientation: str = None, min: Union[int, float] = None, max: Union[int, float] = None, date: ChartDateOptions = None, title: str = None, values: bool = None, values_style: ChartTextStyle = None, title_style: ChartTextStyle = None, title_rotation: int = None, major_grid_lines: bool = None, major_unit: Union[int, float] = None, minor_grid_lines: bool = None, minor_unit: Union[int, float] = None, formatCode: str = None)
Class for defining the axis options for a chart.
, optional- The orientation of the axis, 'minMax' or 'maxMin'. Defaults to None.
:Union[int, float]
, optional- Minimum of the axis. Defaults to None.
:Union[int, float]
, optional- Maximum of the axis. Defaults to None.
, optional- Date options, only for stock charts. Defaults to None.
, optional- Title of the axis. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not to show the values on the axis. Defaults to None.
, optional- Styling for the values. Defaults to None.
, optional- Styling for the title. Defaults to None.
, optional- Title rotation in degrees, clockwise from horizontal axis. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not to show the major grid lines. Defaults to None.
:Union[int, float]
, optional- Automatic when undefined, spacing between major grid lines and axis values. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not to show the minor grid lines. Defaults to None.
:Union[int, float]
, optional- Automatic when undefined, spacing between minor grid lines and axis values. Defaults to None.
, optional- Format code for axis data, "General", "Number" … Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class ChartAxisOptions: """Class for defining the axis options for a chart.""" def __init__(self, orientation: str = None, min: Union[int, float] = None, max: Union[int, float] = None, date: ChartDateOptions = None, title: str = None, values: bool = None, values_style: ChartTextStyle = None, title_style: ChartTextStyle = None, title_rotation: int = None, major_grid_lines: bool = None, major_unit: Union[int, float] = None, minor_grid_lines: bool = None, minor_unit: Union[int, float] = None, formatCode: str = None): """ Args: orientation (str, optional): The orientation of the axis, 'minMax' or 'maxMin'. Defaults to None. min (Union[int, float], optional): Minimum of the axis. Defaults to None. max (Union[int, float], optional): Maximum of the axis. Defaults to None. date (ChartDateOptions, optional): Date options, only for stock charts. Defaults to None. title (str, optional): Title of the axis. Defaults to None. values (bool, optional): Whether or not to show the values on the axis. Defaults to None. values_style (ChartTextStyle, optional): Styling for the values. Defaults to None. title_style (ChartTextStyle, optional): Styling for the title. Defaults to None. title_rotation (int, optional): Title rotation in degrees, clockwise from horizontal axis. Defaults to None. major_grid_lines (bool, optional): Whether or not to show the major grid lines. Defaults to None. major_unit (Union[int, float], optional): Automatic when undefined, spacing between major grid lines and axis values. Defaults to None. minor_grid_lines (bool, optional): Whether or not to show the minor grid lines. Defaults to None. minor_unit (Union[int, float], optional): Automatic when undefined, spacing between minor grid lines and axis values. Defaults to None. formatCode (str, optional): Format code for axis data, "General", "Number" ... Defaults to None. """ self.orientation: str = orientation self.min: Union[int, float] = min self.max: Union[int, float] = max ChartDateOptions = date self.title: str = title self.values: bool = values self.values_style: ChartTextStyle = values_style self.title_style: ChartTextStyle = title_style self.title_rotation: int = title_rotation self.major_grid_lines: bool = major_grid_lines self.major_unit: Union[int, float] = major_unit self.minor_grid_lines: bool = minor_grid_lines self.minor_unit: Union[int, float] = minor_unit self.format_code: str = formatCode @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of these chart axis options. Returns: Dict: dict representation of these chart axis options """ result = {} if self.orientation is not None: result["orientation"] = self.orientation if self.min is not None: result["min"] = self.min if self.max is not None: result["max"] = self.max if is not None: result["type"] = "date" result["date"] = if self.title is not None: result["title"] = self.title if self.values is not None: result["showValues"] = self.values if self.values_style is not None: result["valuesStyle"] = self.values_style.as_dict if self.title_style is not None: result["titleStyle"] = self.title_style.as_dict if self.title_rotation is not None: result["titleRotation"] = self.title_rotation if self.major_grid_lines is not None: result["majorGridlines"] = self.major_grid_lines if self.major_unit is not None: result["majorUnit"] = self.major_unit if self.minor_grid_lines is not None: result["minorGridlines"] = self.minor_grid_lines if self.minor_unit is not None: result["minorUnit"] = self.minor_unit if self.format_code is not None: result["formatCode"] = self.format_code return result
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of these chart axis options.
- dict representation of these chart axis options
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of these chart axis options. Returns: Dict: dict representation of these chart axis options """ result = {} if self.orientation is not None: result["orientation"] = self.orientation if self.min is not None: result["min"] = self.min if self.max is not None: result["max"] = self.max if is not None: result["type"] = "date" result["date"] = if self.title is not None: result["title"] = self.title if self.values is not None: result["showValues"] = self.values if self.values_style is not None: result["valuesStyle"] = self.values_style.as_dict if self.title_style is not None: result["titleStyle"] = self.title_style.as_dict if self.title_rotation is not None: result["titleRotation"] = self.title_rotation if self.major_grid_lines is not None: result["majorGridlines"] = self.major_grid_lines if self.major_unit is not None: result["majorUnit"] = self.major_unit if self.minor_grid_lines is not None: result["minorGridlines"] = self.minor_grid_lines if self.minor_unit is not None: result["minorUnit"] = self.minor_unit if self.format_code is not None: result["formatCode"] = self.format_code return result
class ChartDateOptions (format: str = None, code: str = None, unit: str = None, step: Union[str, int] = None)
Class for defining the date options for a chart.
, optional- The format to display the date on the chart's axis (e.g. unix). Defaults to None.
, optional- The code for the date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy). Defaults to None.
, optional- The unit to be used for spacing the axis values (e.g. months). Defaults to None.
:Union[int, str]
, optional- How many of the above unit should be used for spacing the axis values (automatic if undefined). This option is not supported in LibreOffice. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class ChartDateOptions: """Class for defining the date options for a chart.""" def __init__(self, format: str = None, code: str = None, unit: str = None, step: Union[int, str] = None): """ Args: format (str, optional): The format to display the date on the chart's axis (e.g. unix). Defaults to None. code (str, optional): The code for the date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy). Defaults to None. unit (str, optional): The unit to be used for spacing the axis values (e.g. months). Defaults to None. step (Union[int, str], optional): How many of the above unit should be used for spacing the axis values (automatic if undefined). This option is not supported in LibreOffice. Defaults to None. """ self.format: str = format self.code: str = code self.unit: str = unit self.step: Union[int, str] = step @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object. Returns: Dict: dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object """ result = {} if self.format is not None: result["format"] = self.format if self.code is not None: result["code"] = self.code if self.unit is not None: result["unit"] = self.unit if self.step is not None: result["step"] = self.step return result
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object.
- dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object
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@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object. Returns: Dict: dict representation for this ChartDateOptions object """ result = {} if self.format is not None: result["format"] = self.format if self.code is not None: result["code"] = self.code if self.unit is not None: result["unit"] = self.unit if self.step is not None: result["step"] = self.step return result
class ChartOptions (x_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None, y_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None, y2_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None, width: int = None, height: int = None, border: bool = None, rounded_corners: bool = None, background_color: str = None, background_opacity: int = None, title: str = None, title_style: ChartTextStyle = None, grid: bool = None)
Options object for a
, optional- The options for the x-axis. Defaults to None.
, optional- The options for the y-axis. Note: date options for the y axis are ignored by the Cloud Office Print server. Defaults to None.
, optional- The options for the y2-axis. Note: date options for the y2 axis are ignored by the Cloud Office Print server. Defaults to None.
, optional- Width of the chart. Defaults to None.
, optional- Height of the chart. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not the chart should have a border. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not the chart should have rounded corners. Note: displaying rounded corners is not supported by LibreOffice. Defaults to None.
, optional- Background color for the entire chart. Defaults to None.
, optional- The opacity of the background color for the entire chart. Note: backgroundOpacity is ignored if backgroundColor is not specified or if backgroundColor is specified in a color space which includes an alpha channel (e.g. rgba(0,191,255,0.5)). In the latter case, the alpha channel in backgroundColor is used. Defaults to None.
, optional- The title of the chart. Defaults to None.
, optional- The styling for the title of the chart. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not the chart should have a grid. Defaults to None.
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class ChartOptions(): """Options object for a `Chart`.""" def __init__(self, x_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None, y_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None, y2_axis: ChartAxisOptions = None, width: int = None, height: int = None, border: bool = None, rounded_corners: bool = None, background_color: str = None, background_opacity: int = None, title: str = None, title_style: ChartTextStyle = None, grid: bool = None): """ Args: x_axis (ChartAxisOptions, optional): The options for the x-axis. Defaults to None. y_axis (ChartAxisOptions, optional): The options for the y-axis. Note: date options for the y axis are ignored by the Cloud Office Print server. Defaults to None. y2_axis (ChartAxisOptions, optional): The options for the y2-axis. Note: date options for the y2 axis are ignored by the Cloud Office Print server. Defaults to None. width (int, optional): Width of the chart. Defaults to None. height (int, optional): Height of the chart. Defaults to None. border (bool, optional): Whether or not the chart should have a border. Defaults to None. rounded_corners (bool, optional): Whether or not the chart should have rounded corners. Note: displaying rounded corners is not supported by LibreOffice. Defaults to None. background_color (str, optional): Background color for the entire chart. Defaults to None. background_opacity (int, optional): The opacity of the background color for the entire chart. Note: backgroundOpacity is ignored if backgroundColor is not specified or if backgroundColor is specified in a color space which includes an alpha channel (e.g. rgba(0,191,255,0.5)). In the latter case, the alpha channel in backgroundColor is used. Defaults to None. title (str, optional): The title of the chart. Defaults to None. title_style (ChartTextStyle, optional): The styling for the title of the chart. Defaults to None. grid (bool, optional): Whether or not the chart should have a grid. Defaults to None. """ self._legend_options: dict = None self._data_labels_options: dict = None self.x_axis: ChartAxisOptions = x_axis self.y_axis: ChartAxisOptions = y_axis self.y2_axis: ChartAxisOptions = y2_axis self.width: int = width self.height: int = height self.border: bool = border self.rounded_corners: bool = rounded_corners self.background_color: str = background_color self.background_opacity: int = background_opacity self.title: str = title self.title_style: ChartTextStyle = title_style self.grid: bool = grid def set_legend(self, position: str = 'r', style: ChartTextStyle = None): """Setter for the legend of the chart. Args: position (str, optional): Position of the legend. 'l': left, 'r': right, 'b': bottom, 't': top. Defaults to 'r'. style (ChartTextStyle, optional): The styling for the text of the legend. Defaults to None. """ self._legend_options = { "showLegend": True } self._legend_options["position"] = position if style is not None: self._legend_options["style"] = style.as_dict def remove_legend(self): """Setter for removing the legend from the chart.""" self._legend_options = None def set_data_labels(self, separator: str = None, series_name: bool = None, category_name: bool = None, legend_key: bool = None, value: bool = None, percentage: bool = None, position: str = None): """Setter for the data labels for the chart. Args: separator (str, optional): Seperator : can be either false or anything else for example \n or \t or ; or (, if false). Defaults to None. series_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series name in the data label. Defaults to None. category_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series category name in the data label. Defaults to None. legend_key (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the legend key (i.e. the color of the series) in the data label. Defaults to None. value (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the actual value in the data label. Defaults to None. percentage (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the percentage in the data label. By default True for pie/pie3d and doughnut. Defaults to None. position (str, optional): The position of the data label. Can be 'center', 'left', 'right', 'above', 'below', 'insideBase', 'bestFit', 'outsideEnd', 'insideEnd'. Note that not all options might be available for specific charts. Defaults to None. """ self._data_labels_options = { "showDataLabels": True } if separator is not None: self._data_labels_options["separator"] = separator if series_name is not None: self._data_labels_options["showSeriesName"] = series_name if category_name is not None: self._data_labels_options["showCategoryName"] = category_name if legend_key is not None: self._data_labels_options["showLegendKey"] = legend_key if value is not None: self._data_labels_options["showValue"] = value if percentage is not None: self._data_labels_options["showPercentage"] = percentage if position is not None: self._data_labels_options["position"] = position def remove_data_labels(self): """Setter to remove the data labels from the chart.""" self._data_labels_options = None @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of this ChartOptions object. Returns: Dict: dict representation of this ChartOptions object """ result = { "axis": { } } if self.x_axis is not None: result['axis']['x'] = self.x_axis.as_dict if self.y_axis is not None: result['axis']['y'] = self.y_axis.as_dict if self.y2_axis is not None: result["axis"]["y2"] = self.y2_axis.as_dict if self.width is not None: result["width"] = self.width if self.height is not None: result["height"] = self.height if self.border is not None: result["border"] = self.border if self.rounded_corners is not None: result["roundedCorners"] = self.rounded_corners if self.background_color is not None: result["backgroundColor"] = self.background_color if self.background_opacity is not None: result["backgroundOpacity"] = self.background_opacity if self.title is not None: result["title"] = self.title if self.title_style is not None: result["titleStyle"] = self.title_style.as_dict if self.grid is not None: result["grid"] = self.grid if self._legend_options is not None: result["legend"] = self._legend_options if self._data_labels_options is not None: result["dataLabels"] = self._data_labels_options return result
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this ChartOptions object.
- dict representation of this ChartOptions object
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@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of this ChartOptions object. Returns: Dict: dict representation of this ChartOptions object """ result = { "axis": { } } if self.x_axis is not None: result['axis']['x'] = self.x_axis.as_dict if self.y_axis is not None: result['axis']['y'] = self.y_axis.as_dict if self.y2_axis is not None: result["axis"]["y2"] = self.y2_axis.as_dict if self.width is not None: result["width"] = self.width if self.height is not None: result["height"] = self.height if self.border is not None: result["border"] = self.border if self.rounded_corners is not None: result["roundedCorners"] = self.rounded_corners if self.background_color is not None: result["backgroundColor"] = self.background_color if self.background_opacity is not None: result["backgroundOpacity"] = self.background_opacity if self.title is not None: result["title"] = self.title if self.title_style is not None: result["titleStyle"] = self.title_style.as_dict if self.grid is not None: result["grid"] = self.grid if self._legend_options is not None: result["legend"] = self._legend_options if self._data_labels_options is not None: result["dataLabels"] = self._data_labels_options return result
def remove_data_labels(self)
Setter to remove the data labels from the chart.
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def remove_data_labels(self): """Setter to remove the data labels from the chart.""" self._data_labels_options = None
def remove_legend(self)
Setter for removing the legend from the chart.
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def remove_legend(self): """Setter for removing the legend from the chart.""" self._legend_options = None
def set_data_labels(self, separator: str = None, series_name: bool = None, category_name: bool = None, legend_key: bool = None, value: bool = None, percentage: bool = None, position: str = None)
Setter for the data labels for the chart.
Args: separator (str, optional): Seperator : can be either false or anything else for example
or or ; or (, if false). Defaults to None. series_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series name in the data label. Defaults to None. category_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series category name in the data label. Defaults to None. legend_key (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the legend key (i.e. the color of the series) in the data label. Defaults to None. value (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the actual value in the data label. Defaults to None. percentage (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the percentage in the data label. By default True for pie/pie3d and doughnut. Defaults to None. position (str, optional): The position of the data label. Can be 'center', 'left', 'right', 'above', 'below', 'insideBase', 'bestFit', 'outsideEnd', 'insideEnd'. Note that not all options might be available for specific charts. Defaults to None.
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def set_data_labels(self, separator: str = None, series_name: bool = None, category_name: bool = None, legend_key: bool = None, value: bool = None, percentage: bool = None, position: str = None): """Setter for the data labels for the chart. Args: separator (str, optional): Seperator : can be either false or anything else for example \n or \t or ; or (, if false). Defaults to None. series_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series name in the data label. Defaults to None. category_name (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the series category name in the data label. Defaults to None. legend_key (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the legend key (i.e. the color of the series) in the data label. Defaults to None. value (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the actual value in the data label. Defaults to None. percentage (bool, optional): Whether or not to include the percentage in the data label. By default True for pie/pie3d and doughnut. Defaults to None. position (str, optional): The position of the data label. Can be 'center', 'left', 'right', 'above', 'below', 'insideBase', 'bestFit', 'outsideEnd', 'insideEnd'. Note that not all options might be available for specific charts. Defaults to None. """ self._data_labels_options = { "showDataLabels": True } if separator is not None: self._data_labels_options["separator"] = separator if series_name is not None: self._data_labels_options["showSeriesName"] = series_name if category_name is not None: self._data_labels_options["showCategoryName"] = category_name if legend_key is not None: self._data_labels_options["showLegendKey"] = legend_key if value is not None: self._data_labels_options["showValue"] = value if percentage is not None: self._data_labels_options["showPercentage"] = percentage if position is not None: self._data_labels_options["position"] = position
def set_legend(self, position: str = 'r', style: ChartTextStyle = None)
Setter for the legend of the chart.
, optional- Position of the legend. 'l': left, 'r': right, 'b': bottom, 't': top. Defaults to 'r'.
, optional- The styling for the text of the legend. Defaults to None.
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def set_legend(self, position: str = 'r', style: ChartTextStyle = None): """Setter for the legend of the chart. Args: position (str, optional): Position of the legend. 'l': left, 'r': right, 'b': bottom, 't': top. Defaults to 'r'. style (ChartTextStyle, optional): The styling for the text of the legend. Defaults to None. """ self._legend_options = { "showLegend": True } self._legend_options["position"] = position if style is not None: self._legend_options["style"] = style.as_dict
class ChartTextStyle (italic: bool = None, bold: bool = None, color: str = None, font: str = None)
Class for defining the styling of the text for a chart.
, optional- Whether or not the text should be in italic. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not the text should be in bold. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color of the text. Defaults to None.
, optional- The font of the text. Defaults to None.
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class ChartTextStyle: """Class for defining the styling of the text for a chart.""" def __init__(self, italic: bool = None, bold: bool = None, color: str = None, font: str = None): """ Args: italic (bool, optional): Whether or not the text should be in italic. Defaults to None. bold (bool, optional): Whether or not the text should be in bold. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color of the text. Defaults to None. font (str, optional): The font of the text. Defaults to None. """ self.italic: bool = italic self.bold: bool = bold self.color: str = color self.font: str = font @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object. Returns: Dict: dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object """ result = {} if self.italic is not None: result["italic"] = self.italic if self.bold is not None: result["bold"] = self.bold if self.color is not None: result["color"] = self.color if self.font is not None: result["font"] = self.font return result
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object.
- dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object
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@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object. Returns: Dict: dict representation of this ChartTextStyle object """ result = {} if self.italic is not None: result["italic"] = self.italic if self.bold is not None: result["bold"] = self.bold if self.color is not None: result["color"] = self.color if self.font is not None: result["font"] = self.font return result
class ColumnChart (name: str, columns: Tuple[XYSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a column chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[XYSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of column series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class ColumnChart(Chart): """Class for a column chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. columns (Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of column series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]] = columns @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "columns": [col.as_dict for col in self.columns], "type": "column" })
Inherited members
class ColumnStackedChart (name: str, columns: Tuple[XYSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a stacked column chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[XYSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of stacked column series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class ColumnStackedChart(Chart): """Class for a stacked column chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. columns (Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked column series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedSeries, XYSeries]] = columns @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "columns": [col.as_dict for col in self.columns], "type": "columnStacked" })
Inherited members
class ColumnStackedPercentChart (name: str, columns: Tuple[XYSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a stacked column chart with the x-axis expressed in percentage
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[XYSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of stacked column (percentage) series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class ColumnStackedPercentChart(Chart): """Class for a stacked column chart with the x-axis expressed in percentage""" def __init__(self, name: str, columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedPercentSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. columns (Tuple[Union[ColumnSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of stacked column (percentage) series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.columns: Tuple[Union[ColumnStackedPercentSeries, XYSeries]] = columns @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "columns": [col.as_dict for col in self.columns], "type": "columnStackedPercent" })
Inherited members
class CombinedChart (name: str, charts: Iterable[Chart], secondaryCharts: Iterable[Chart] = None, options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a combined chart. It is possible to combine more than 2 types of chart but there can only be two value axes.
- The name of the chart.
- Charts for the first y-axis.
, optional- Charts for the secondary y-axis. Defaults to None.
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class CombinedChart(Chart): """Class for a combined chart. It is possible to combine more than 2 types of chart but there can only be two value axes.""" def __init__(self, name: str, charts: Iterable[Chart], secondaryCharts: Iterable[Chart] = None, options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. charts (Iterable[Chart]): Charts for the first y-axis. secondaryCharts (Iterable[Chart], optional): Charts for the secondary y-axis. Defaults to None. options (ChartOptions, optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.charts: Iterable[Chart] = charts self.secondaryCharts: Iterable[Chart] = secondaryCharts def _get_modified_chart_dicts(self) -> List[Dict]: """Replace the y-axis with the y2-axis for the secondary charts. Add the dict representation for each chart to a list and return that list. Returns: List[Dict]: list containing the dict representation for each chart, after processing """ primary_list = list(self.charts) secondary_list = list(self.secondaryCharts) dict_list = [] for chart in primary_list: chart_dict_full = chart.as_dict chart_dict = chart_dict_full[] dict_list.append(chart_dict) for chart in secondary_list: chart_dict_full = chart.as_dict chart_dict = chart_dict_full[] dict_list.append(_replace_key_recursive(chart_dict, "y", "y2")) return dict_list @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "type": "multiple", "multiples": self._get_modified_chart_dicts() })
Inherited members
class DoughnutChart (name: str, doughnuts: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a doughnut chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of doughnut series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class DoughnutChart(Chart): """Class for a doughnut chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, doughnuts: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. doughnuts (Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of doughnut series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.doughnuts: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]] = doughnuts @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "doughnuts": [nut.as_dict for nut in self.doughnuts], "type": "doughnut" })
Inherited members
class LineChart (name: str, lines: Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a line chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of line series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class LineChart(Chart): """Class for a line chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, lines: Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. lines (Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of line series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.lines: Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]] = lines @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "lines": [line.as_dict for line in self.lines], "type": "line" })
Inherited members
class LineSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, smooth: bool = None, symbol: str = None, symbol_size: Union[str, int] = None, color: str = None, line_width: str = None, line_style: str = None)
A series for a line chart.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not the corners of the angles formed in the data-points are smoothened. Defaults to None.
, optional- Symbol representing the datapoints. Can be square (default), diamond or triangle. Defaults to None.
:Union[str, int]
, optional- Size of the symbol representing the data-points in (in em, pt, px, cm or in), by default: automatic. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
, optional- Thickness of the connecting line in em, pt, px, cm or in. Defaults to None.
, optional- Style of the line. Supported options can be found online on the Cloud Office Print documentation. Defaults to None.
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class LineSeries(XYSeries): """A series for a line chart.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, smooth: bool = None, symbol: str = None, symbol_size: Union[str, int] = None, color: str = None, line_width: str = None, line_style: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. smooth (bool, optional): Whether or not the corners of the angles formed in the data-points are smoothened. Defaults to None. symbol (str, optional): Symbol representing the datapoints. Can be square (default), diamond or triangle. Defaults to None. symbol_size (Union[str, int], optional): Size of the symbol representing the data-points in (in em, pt, px, cm or in), by default: automatic. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. line_width (str, optional): Thickness of the connecting line in em, pt, px, cm or in. Defaults to None. line_style (str, optional): Style of the line. Supported options can be found online on the Cloud Office Print documentation. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(x, y, name, color) self.smooth: bool = smooth self.symbol: str = symbol self.symbol_size: Union[str, int] = symbol_size self.line_width: str = line_width self.line_style: str = line_style @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.smooth is not None: result["smooth"] = self.smooth if self.symbol is not None: result["symbol"] = self.symbol if self.symbol_size is not None: result["symbolSize"] = self.symbol_size if self.line_width is not None: result["lineWidth"] = self.line_width if self.line_style is not None: result["lineStyle"] = self.line_style return result
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
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@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.smooth is not None: result["smooth"] = self.smooth if self.symbol is not None: result["symbol"] = self.symbol if self.symbol_size is not None: result["symbolSize"] = self.symbol_size if self.line_width is not None: result["lineWidth"] = self.line_width if self.line_style is not None: result["lineStyle"] = self.line_style return result
class RadarSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, smooth: bool = None, symbol: str = None, symbol_size: Union[str, int] = None, color: str = None, line_width: str = None, line_style: str = None)
A series for a line chart.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- Whether or not the corners of the angles formed in the data-points are smoothened. Defaults to None.
, optional- Symbol representing the datapoints. Can be square (default), diamond or triangle. Defaults to None.
:Union[str, int]
, optional- Size of the symbol representing the data-points in (in em, pt, px, cm or in), by default: automatic. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
, optional- Thickness of the connecting line in em, pt, px, cm or in. Defaults to None.
, optional- Style of the line. Supported options can be found online on the Cloud Office Print documentation. Defaults to None.
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class LineSeries(XYSeries): """A series for a line chart.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, smooth: bool = None, symbol: str = None, symbol_size: Union[str, int] = None, color: str = None, line_width: str = None, line_style: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. smooth (bool, optional): Whether or not the corners of the angles formed in the data-points are smoothened. Defaults to None. symbol (str, optional): Symbol representing the datapoints. Can be square (default), diamond or triangle. Defaults to None. symbol_size (Union[str, int], optional): Size of the symbol representing the data-points in (in em, pt, px, cm or in), by default: automatic. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. line_width (str, optional): Thickness of the connecting line in em, pt, px, cm or in. Defaults to None. line_style (str, optional): Style of the line. Supported options can be found online on the Cloud Office Print documentation. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(x, y, name, color) self.smooth: bool = smooth self.symbol: str = symbol self.symbol_size: Union[str, int] = symbol_size self.line_width: str = line_width self.line_style: str = line_style @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.smooth is not None: result["smooth"] = self.smooth if self.symbol is not None: result["symbol"] = self.symbol if self.symbol_size is not None: result["symbolSize"] = self.symbol_size if self.line_width is not None: result["lineWidth"] = self.line_width if self.line_style is not None: result["lineStyle"] = self.line_style return result
Inherited members
class Pie3DChart (name: str, pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a 3D pie chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of 3D pie series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class Pie3DChart(Chart): """Class for a 3D pie chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. pies (Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of 3D pie series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]] = pies @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "pies": [pie.as_dict for pie in self.pies], "type": "pie3d" })
Inherited members
class PieChart (name: str, pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a pie chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of pie series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class PieChart(Chart): """Class for a pie chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. pies (Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of pie series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.pies: Tuple[Union[PieSeries, XYSeries]] = pies @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "pies": [pie.as_dict for pie in self.pies], "type": "pie" })
Inherited members
class PieSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, colors: Iterable[str] = None)
A series for pie charts.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- Should be an iterable that contains the color for each specific pie slice. If no colors are specified, the document's theme color is used. If some colors are specified, but not for all data points, random colors will fill the gaps. The value for non-specified colors must be None. Warning: this is not the same as self.color of XYSeries, which is the color for the entire series, but this is not applicable to PieSeries. Defaults to None.
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class PieSeries(XYSeries): """A series for pie charts.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, colors: Iterable[str] = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. colors (Iterable[str], optional): Should be an iterable that contains the color for each specific pie slice. If no colors are specified, the document's theme color is used. If some colors are specified, but not for all data points, random colors will fill the gaps. The value for non-specified colors must be None. Warning: this is not the same as self.color of XYSeries, which is the color for the entire series, but this is not applicable to PieSeries. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(x, y, name) self.colors = colors @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.colors is not None: # Add the color for each slice to 'data' for i in range(len(tuple(self.colors))): if self.colors[i] is not None: result["data"][i]['color'] = self.colors[i] return result
Inherited members
class RadarChart (name: str, radars: Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a radar chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[LineSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of radar series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class RadarChart(Chart): """Class for a radar chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, radars: Tuple[Union[RadarSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. radars (Tuple[Union[RadarSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of radar series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.radars: Tuple[Union[RadarSeries, XYSeries]] = radars @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "radars": [radar.as_dict for radar in self.radars], "type": "radar" })
Inherited members
class ScatterChart (name: str, scatters: Tuple[XYSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a scatter chart
- The name of the chart.
:Tuple[Union[XYSeries, XYSeries]]
- Iterable of scatter series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class ScatterChart(Chart): """Class for a scatter chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, scatters: Tuple[Union[ScatterSeries, XYSeries]], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. scatters (Tuple[Union[ScatterSeries, XYSeries]]): Iterable of scatter series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.scatters: Tuple[Union[ScatterSeries, XYSeries]] = scatters @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "scatters": [scatter.as_dict for scatter in self.scatters], "type": "scatter" })
Inherited members
class Series (name: str = None)
Abstract base class for a series.
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class Series(ABC): """Abstract base class for a series.""" def __init__(self, name: str = None): str = name @property @abstractmethod def data(self): """Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, ...""" pass @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of this Series object. Returns: Dict: dict representation of this Series object """ result = { "data": } if is not None: result["name"] = return result
- abc.ABC
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """The dict representation of this Series object. Returns: Dict: dict representation of this Series object """ result = { "data": } if is not None: result["name"] = return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
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@property @abstractmethod def data(self): """Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, ...""" pass
class StockChart (name: str, stocks: Tuple[StockSeries], options: ChartOptions = None)
Class for a candlestick chart
- The name of the chart.
- Iterable of stock series.
:Union[ChartOptions, dict]
, optional- The options for the chart. Defaults to None.
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class StockChart(Chart): """Class for a candlestick chart""" def __init__(self, name: str, stocks: Tuple[StockSeries], options: ChartOptions = None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the chart. stocks (Tuple[StockSeries]): Iterable of stock series. options (Union[ChartOptions, dict], optional): The options for the chart. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name, options) self.stocks: Tuple[StockSeries] = stocks @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._get_dict({ "stocks": [stock.as_dict for stock in self.stocks], "type": "stock" })
Inherited members
class StockSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], high: Iterable[Union[int, float]], low: Iterable[Union[int, float]], close: Iterable[Union[int, float]], open_: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = None, volume: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = None, name: str = None)
A series for candlestick charts.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the hight prices.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the low prices.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the closing prices.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
, optional- The data for the opening prices. Defaults to None.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
, optional- The data for the volumes. Defaults to None.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
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class StockSeries(Series): """A series for candlestick charts.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], high: Iterable[Union[int, float]], low: Iterable[Union[int, float]], close: Iterable[Union[int, float]], open_: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = None, volume: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = None, name: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. high (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the hight prices. low (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the low prices. close (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the closing prices. open_ (Iterable[Union[int, float]], optional): The data for the opening prices. Defaults to None. volume (Iterable[Union[int, float]], optional): The data for the volumes. Defaults to None. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.high: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = high self.low: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = low self.close: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = close # open argument gets a trailing _ because open() is a built-in function Iterable[Union[int, float]] = open_ self.volume: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = volume @property def data(self): result = [{ "x": x, "high": high, "low": low, "close": close } for x, high, low, close in zip(self.x, self.high, self.low, self.close)] for i in range(len(result)): if is not None: result[i]["open"] =[i] if self.volume is not None: result[i]["volume"] = self.volume[i] return result @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'StockSeries': """Generate a StockSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the x, high, low and possibly volume and open data. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: StockSeries: StockSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) high = list(data["high"]) low = list(data["low"]) close = list(data["close"]) # volume and open are optional try: open_ = list(data["open"]) except KeyError: open_ = None try: volume = list(data["volume"]) except KeyError: volume = None return cls(x, high, low, close, open_, volume, name=name)
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> StockSeries
Generate a StockSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the x, high, low and possibly volume and open data.
- The name for the series.
- StockSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
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@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'StockSeries': """Generate a StockSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the x, high, low and possibly volume and open data. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: StockSeries: StockSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) high = list(data["high"]) low = list(data["low"]) close = list(data["close"]) # volume and open are optional try: open_ = list(data["open"]) except KeyError: open_ = None try: volume = list(data["volume"]) except KeyError: volume = None return cls(x, high, low, close, open_, volume, name=name)
Inherited members
class XYSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
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@property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
class BarSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
Expand source code
@property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
class BarStackedSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
Expand source code
@property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
class BarStackedPercentSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
Expand source code
@property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
class ColumnSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
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@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
Expand source code
@property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
class ColumnStackedSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
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@property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
class ColumnStackedPercentSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
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@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Instance variables
var as_dict : Dict
The dict representation of this Series object.
- dict representation of this Series object
Expand source code
@property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
var data
Get the data used in the series. E.g. x-values, y-values, …
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@property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)]
class ScatterSeries (x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None)
A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.
:Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]
- The data for the x-axis.
:Iterable[Union[int, float]]
- The data for the y-axis.
, optional- The name of the series. Defaults to None.
, optional- The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None.
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class XYSeries(Series): """A series for the case where the data consists of x-values and y-values.""" def __init__(self, x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]], y: Iterable[Union[int, float]], name: str = None, color: str = None): """ Args: x (Iterable[Union[int, float, str]]): The data for the x-axis. y (Iterable[Union[int, float]]): The data for the y-axis. name (str, optional): The name of the series. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): The color in which the series should be shown on a chart. Can be html/css colors or hex values. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(name) self.x: Iterable[Union[int, float, str]] = x self.y: Iterable[Union[int, float]] = y self.color: str = color @property def data(self): return [{ "x": x, "y": y } for x, y in zip(self.x, self.y)] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().as_dict if self.color is not None: result['color'] = self.color return result
- Series
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def from_dataframe(data: pandas.DataFrame, name: str = None) ‑> XYSeries
Generate an XYSeries from a Pandas dataframe.
- Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis.
- The name for the series.
- XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: 'pandas.DataFrame', name: str = None) -> 'XYSeries': """Generate an XYSeries from a [Pandas dataframe]( Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the data for the x- and y-axis. name (str): The name for the series. Returns: XYSeries: XYSeries generated from a Pandas dataframe """ x = list(data.iloc[:, 0]) y = list(data.iloc[:, 1]) return cls(x, y, name=name)
Inherited members