
Expand source code
from abc import ABC
from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, Union
from .elements import Element

class Code(Element, ABC):
    """The abstract base class for QR-codes and barcodes"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, data: str, type: str):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            data (str): The data for this Code object.
            type (str): For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
        super().__init__(name) str = data
        self.type: str = type

    def available_tags(self) -> FrozenSet[str]:
        return frozenset({"{|" + + "}"})

    def _dict_suffixes(self) -> Dict:
        """Get the suffixes that need to be appended to the keys of the dict representation of this Code object.

            Dict: the suffixes that need to be appended to the keys of the dict representation of this Code object
        result = {}

        if self.type is not None:
            result["_type"] = self.type

        return result

    def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
        result = {

        for suffix, value in self._dict_suffixes.items():
            result[ + suffix] = value

        return result

class BarCode(Code):
    """This class is a subclass of Code and is used to generate a barcode element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        data: str,
        type: str,
        height: int = None,
        width: int = None,
        errorcorrectlevel: str = None,
        url: str = None,
        rotation: int = None,
        background_color: str = None,
        padding_width: int = None,
        padding_height: int = None,
        extra_options: str = None
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            data (str): The data for this Code object.
            type (str): For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
            height (int, optional): The height for the generated code. The default is 200 for QR, 50 for the rest. Defaults to None.
            width (int, optional): The width for the generated code. The default is 200. Defaults to None.
            errorcorrectlevel (str, optional): The level of which the QR code should be recoverable. The options are:
                "L" (up to 7% damage)
                "M" (up to 15% damage)
                "Q" (up to 25% damage)
                "H" (up to 30% damage). Defaults to None.
            url (str, optional): The URL to hyperlink to when the barcode/qrcode is clicked. Defaults to None.
            rotation (int, optional): The rotation angle of the barcode/qrcode (in degrees, counterclockwise). Defaults to None.
            background_color (str, optional): The background color for the barcode/qrcode. default: white/ffffff.
                You can provide a hex value; html named colors like red, white, purple; rgb(255, 0, 0) or any other css supported format. Defaults to None.
            padding_width (int, optional): The width padding of the inserted qrcode/barcode. default 10. In pixels. Defaults to None.
            padding_height (int, optional): The height padding of the inserted qrcode/barcode. default 10. In pixels. Defaults to None.
            extra_options (str, optional): If you want to include extra options like including barcode text on the bottom. 
                The options should be space separated and should be followed by a "=" and their value.
                E.g.: "includetext guardwhitespace guardwidth=3 guardheight=3".
                Please visit for all the options. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, data, type)
        self.height: int = height
        self.width: int = width
        self.errorcorrectlevel: str = errorcorrectlevel
        self.url: str = url
        self.rotation: int = rotation
        self.background_color: str = background_color
        self.padding_width: int = padding_width
        self.padding_height: int = padding_height
        self.extra_options: str = extra_options

    def _dict_suffixes(self) -> Dict:
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.height is not None:
            result['_height'] = self.height
        if self.width is not None:
            result['_width'] = self.width
        if self.errorcorrectlevel is not None:
            result['_errorcorrectlevel'] = self.errorcorrectlevel
        if self.url is not None:
            result['_url'] = self.url
        if self.rotation is not None:
            result['_rotation'] = self.rotation
        if self.background_color is not None:
            result['_background_color'] = self.background_color
        if self.padding_width is not None:
            result['_padding_width'] = self.padding_width
        if self.padding_height is not None:
            result['_padding_height'] = self.padding_height
        if self.extra_options is not None:
            result['_extra_options'] = self.extra_options

        return result

class QRCode(Code):
    """This class is a subclass of Code and serves as a superclass for the different types of QR-codes"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, data: str, type: str):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            data (str): The data for this Code object.
            type (str): For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
        super().__init__(name, data, type)

        self.dotscale: float = None
        self.logo: str = None
        self.background_image: str = None
        self.color_dark: str = None
        self.color_light: str = None
        self.logo_width: Union[str, int] = None
        self.logo_height: Union[str, int] = None
        self.logo_background_color: str = None
        self.quiet_zone: int = None
        self.quiet_zone_color: str = None
        self.background_image_alpha: float = None
        self.po_color: str = None
        self.pi_color: str = None
        self.po_tl_color: str = None
        self.pi_tl_color: str = None
        self.po_tr_color: str = None
        self.pi_tr_color: str = None
        self.po_bl_color: str = None
        self.pi_bl_color: str = None
        self.timing_v_color: str = None
        self.timing_h_color: str = None
        self.timing_color: str = None
        self.auto_color: bool = None
        self.auto_color_dark: str = None
        self.auto_color_light: str = None

    def set_dotscale(self, dotscale: float):
            dotscale (float): For body block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1"""
        self.dotscale = dotscale

    def set_logo(self, logo: str):
            logo (str): Logo Image (At center of QR)"""
        self.logo = logo

    def set_background_image(self, background_image: str):
            background_image (str): Background Image"""
        self.background_image = background_image

    def set_color_dark(self, color_dark: str):
            color_dark (str): Dark color of the QR code"""
        self.color_dark = color_dark

    def set_color_light(self, color_light: str):
            color_light (str): Light color of the QR code"""
        self.color_light = color_light

    def set_logo_width(self, logo_width: Union[str, int]):
            logo_width (str): Width of logo"""
        self.logo_width = logo_width

    def set_logo_height(self, logo_height: Union[str, int]):
            logo_height (str): Height of logo"""
        self.logo_height = logo_height

    def set_logo_background_color(self, logo_background_color: str):
            logo_background_color (str): Background color of the QR code"""
        self.logo_background_color = logo_background_color

    def set_quiet_zone(self, quiet_zone: int):
            quiet_zone (int): For padding around QR code"""
        self.quiet_zone = quiet_zone

    def set_quiet_zone_color(self, quiet_zone_color: str):
            quiet_zone_color (str): Color of padding area"""
        self.quiet_zone_color = quiet_zone_color

    def set_background_image_alpha(self, background_image_alpha: float):
            background_image_alpha (float): Background image transparency, value between 0 and 1. default is 1"""
        self.background_image_alpha = background_image_alpha

    def set_po_color(self, po_color: str):
            po_color (str): Global Position Outer color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`"""
        self.po_color = po_color

    def set_pi_color(self, pi_color: str):
            pi_color (str): Global Position Inner color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`"""
        self.pi_color = pi_color

    def set_po_tl_color(self, po_tl_color: str):
            po_tl_color (str): Position Outer color - Top Left"""
        self.po_tl_color = po_tl_color

    def set_pi_tl_color(self, pi_tl_color: str):
            pi_tl_color (str): Position Inner color - Top Left"""
        self.pi_tl_color = pi_tl_color

    def set_po_tr_color(self, po_tr_color: str):
            po_tr_color (str): Position Outer color - Top Right"""
        self.po_tr_color = po_tr_color

    def set_pi_tr_color(self, pi_tr_color: str):
            pi_tr_color (str): Position Inner color - Top Right"""
        self.pi_tr_color = pi_tr_color

    def set_po_bl_color(self, po_bl_color: str):
            po_bl_color (str): Position Outer color - Bottom Left"""
        self.po_bl_color = po_bl_color

    def set_pi_bl_color(self, pi_bl_color: str):
            pi_bl_color (str): Position Inner color - Bottom Left"""
        self.pi_bl_color = pi_bl_color

    def set_timing_v_color(self, timing_v_color: str):
            timing_v_color (str): Vertical timing color"""
        self.timing_v_color = timing_v_color

    def set_timing_h_color(self, timing_h_color: str):
            timing_h_color (str): Horizontal timing color"""
        self.timing_h_color = timing_h_color

    def set_timing_color(self, timing_color: str):
            timing_color (str): Global Timing color"""
        self.timing_color = timing_color

    def set_auto_color(self, auto_color: bool):
            auto_color (bool): Automatic color adjustment (for data block) (default is false) (set to false if using background images)"""
        self.auto_color = auto_color

    def set_auto_color_dark(self, auto_color_dark: str):
            auto_color_dark (str): Automatic color: dark CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true) (dark color prefered, otherwise may lead to undetectable QR)"""
        self.auto_color_dark = auto_color_dark

    def set_auto_color_light(self, auto_color_light: str):
            auto_color_light (str): Automatic color: light CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true)"""
        self.auto_color_light = auto_color_light

    def _dict_suffixes(self) -> Dict:
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.dotscale is not None:
            result['_qr_dotscale'] = self.dotscale
        if self.logo is not None:
            result['_qr_logo'] = self.logo
        if self.background_image is not None:
            result['_qr_background_image'] = self.background_image
        if self.color_dark is not None:
            result['_qr_color_dark'] = self.color_dark
        if self.color_light is not None:
            result['_qr_color_light'] = self.color_light
        if self.logo_width is not None:
            result['_qr_logo_width'] = self.logo_width
        if self.logo_height is not None:
            result['_qr_logo_height'] = self.logo_height
        if self.logo_background_color is not None:
            result['_qr_logo_background_color'] = self.logo_background_color
        if self.quiet_zone is not None:
            result['_qr_quiet_zone'] = self.quiet_zone
        if self.quiet_zone_color is not None:
            result['_qr_quiet_zone_color'] = self.quiet_zone_color
        if self.background_image_alpha is not None:
            result['_qr_background_image_alpha'] = self.background_image_alpha
        if self.po_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_color'] = self.po_color
        if self.pi_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_color'] = self.pi_color
        if self.po_tl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_tl_color'] = self.po_tl_color
        if self.pi_tl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_tl_color'] = self.pi_tl_color
        if self.po_tr_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_tr_color'] = self.po_tr_color
        if self.pi_tr_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_tr_color'] = self.pi_tr_color
        if self.po_bl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_bl_color'] = self.po_bl_color
        if self.pi_bl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_bl_color'] = self.pi_bl_color
        if self.timing_v_color is not None:
            result['_qr_timing_v_color'] = self.timing_v_color
        if self.timing_h_color is not None:
            result['_qr_timing_h_color'] = self.timing_h_color
        if self.timing_color is not None:
            result['_qr_timing_color'] = self.timing_color
        if self.auto_color is not None:
            result['_qr_auto_color'] = self.auto_color
        if self.auto_color_dark is not None:
            result['_qr_auto_color_dark'] = self.auto_color_dark
        if self.auto_color_light is not None:
            result['_qr_auto_color_light'] = self.auto_color_light

        return result

class WiFiQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a WiFi QR-code element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        ssid: str,
        wifi_encryption: str,
        wifi_password: str = None,
        wifi_hidden: bool = None
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            ssid (str): The ssid of the WiFi
            wifi_encryption (str): The encryption type
            wifi_password (str, optional): The WiFi password Defaults to None.
            wifi_hidden (bool, optional): Whether or not the WiFi is hidden. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, ssid, 'qr_wifi')
        self.wifi_password: str = wifi_password
        self.wifi_encryption: str = wifi_encryption
        self.wifi_hidden: bool = wifi_hidden

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.wifi_password is not None:
            result['_wifi_password'] = self.wifi_password
        if self.wifi_encryption is not None:
            result['_wifi_encryption'] = self.wifi_encryption
        if self.wifi_hidden is not None:
            result['_wifi_hidden'] = self.wifi_hidden

        return result

class TelephoneNumberQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a telephone number QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, number: str):
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            number (str): The telephone number
        super().__init__(name, number, 'qr_telephone')

class EmailQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an email QR-code element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        receiver: str,
        cc: str = None,
        bcc: str = None,
        subject: str = None,
        body: str = None
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            receiver (str): The receiver of the email
            cc (str, optional): The cc for the email. Defaults to None.
            bcc (str, optional): The bcc for the email. Defaults to None.
            subject (str, optional): The subject for the email. Defaults to None.
            body (str, optional): The body of the email. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, receiver, 'qr_email') str = cc
        self.bcc: str = bcc
        self.subject: str = subject
        self.body: str = body

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if is not None:
            result['_email_cc'] =
        if self.bcc is not None:
            result['_email_bcc'] = self.bcc
        if self.subject is not None:
            result['_email_subject'] = self.subject
        if self.body is not None:
            result['_email_body'] = self.body

        return result

class SMSQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an SMS QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, receiver: str, sms_body: str = None):
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            receiver (str): The telephone number for the receiver of the sms
            sms_body (str, optional): The body of the sms. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, receiver, 'qr_sms')
        self.sms_body: str = sms_body

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.sms_body is not None:
            result['_sms_body'] = self.sms_body

        return result

class URLQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a URL QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, url: str):
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            url (str): The URL
        super().__init__(name, url, 'qr_url')

class VCardQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a vCard QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, first_name: str, last_name: str = None, email: str = None, website: str = None):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            first_name (str): The first name.
            last_name (str, optional): The last name. Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): The email. Defaults to None.
            website (str, optional): The website. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, first_name, 'qr_vcard')
        self.last_name: str = last_name str = email str = website

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.last_name is not None:
            result['_vcard_last_name'] = self.last_name
        if is not None:
            result['_vcard_email'] =
        if is not None:
            result['_vcard_website'] =

        return result

class MeCardQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a MeCard QR-code element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        first_name: str,
        last_name: str = None,
        nickname: str = None,
        email: str = None,
        contact_primary: str = None,
        contact_secondary: str = None,
        contact_tertiary: str = None,
        website: str = None,
        birthday: str = None,
        notes: str = None
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            first_name (str): The first name.
            last_name (str, optional): The last name. Defaults to None.
            nickname (str, optional): The nickname. Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): The email. Defaults to None.
            contact_primary (str, optional): The primary contact. Defaults to None.
            contact_secondary (str, optional): The secondary contact. Defaults to None.
            contact_tertiary (str, optional): The tertiary contact. Defaults to None.
            website (str, optional): The website. Defaults to None.
            birthday (str, optional): The birthday. Defaults to None.
            notes (str, optional): The notes. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, first_name, 'qr_me_card')
        self.last_name: str = last_name
        self.nickname: str = nickname str = email
        self.contact_primary: str = contact_primary
        self.contact_secondary: str = contact_secondary
        self.contact_tertiary: str = contact_tertiary str = website
        self.birthday: str = birthday
        self.notes: str = notes

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.last_name is not None:
            result['_me_card_last_name'] = self.last_name
        if self.nickname is not None:
            result['_me_card_nickname'] = self.nickname
        if is not None:
            result['_me_card_email'] =
        if self.contact_primary is not None:
            result['_me_card_contact_primary'] = self.contact_primary
        if self.contact_secondary is not None:
            result['_me_card_contact_secondary'] = self.contact_secondary
        if self.contact_tertiary is not None:
            result['_me_card_contact_tertiary'] = self.contact_tertiary
        if is not None:
            result['_me_card_website'] =
        if self.birthday is not None:
            result['_me_card_birthday'] = self.birthday
        if self.notes is not None:
            result['_me_card_notes'] = self.notes

        return result

class GeolocationQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a geolocation QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, latitude: str, longitude: str = None, altitude: str = None):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            latitude (str): The latitude.
            longitude (str, optional): The longitude. Defaults to None.
            altitude (str, optional): The altitude. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, latitude, 'qr_geolocation')
        self.longitude: str = longitude
        self.altitude: str = altitude

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.longitude is not None:
            result['_geolocation_longitude'] = self.longitude
        if self.altitude is not None:
            result['_geolocation_altitude'] = self.altitude

        return result

class EventQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an event QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, summary: str, startdate: str = None, enddate: str = None):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            summary (str): The summary.
            startdate (str, optional): The start date. Defaults to None.
            enddate (str, optional): The end date. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, summary, 'qr_event')
        self.startdate: str = startdate
        self.enddate: str = enddate

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.startdate is not None:
            result['_event_startdate'] = self.startdate
        if self.enddate is not None:
            result['_event_enddate'] = self.enddate

        return result


class BarCode (name: str, data: str, type: str, height: int = None, width: int = None, errorcorrectlevel: str = None, url: str = None, rotation: int = None, background_color: str = None, padding_width: int = None, padding_height: int = None, extra_options: str = None)

This class is a subclass of Code and is used to generate a barcode element


name : str
The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
data : str
The data for this Code object.
type : str
For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
height : int, optional
The height for the generated code. The default is 200 for QR, 50 for the rest. Defaults to None.
width : int, optional
The width for the generated code. The default is 200. Defaults to None.
errorcorrectlevel : str, optional
The level of which the QR code should be recoverable. The options are: "L" (up to 7% damage) "M" (up to 15% damage) "Q" (up to 25% damage) "H" (up to 30% damage). Defaults to None.
url : str, optional
The URL to hyperlink to when the barcode/qrcode is clicked. Defaults to None.
rotation : int, optional
The rotation angle of the barcode/qrcode (in degrees, counterclockwise). Defaults to None.
background_color : str, optional
The background color for the barcode/qrcode. default: white/ffffff. You can provide a hex value; html named colors like red, white, purple; rgb(255, 0, 0) or any other css supported format. Defaults to None.
padding_width : int, optional
The width padding of the inserted qrcode/barcode. default 10. In pixels. Defaults to None.
padding_height : int, optional
The height padding of the inserted qrcode/barcode. default 10. In pixels. Defaults to None.
extra_options : str, optional
If you want to include extra options like including barcode text on the bottom. The options should be space separated and should be followed by a "=" and their value. E.g.: "includetext guardwhitespace guardwidth=3 guardheight=3". Please visit for all the options. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class BarCode(Code):
    """This class is a subclass of Code and is used to generate a barcode element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        data: str,
        type: str,
        height: int = None,
        width: int = None,
        errorcorrectlevel: str = None,
        url: str = None,
        rotation: int = None,
        background_color: str = None,
        padding_width: int = None,
        padding_height: int = None,
        extra_options: str = None
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            data (str): The data for this Code object.
            type (str): For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
            height (int, optional): The height for the generated code. The default is 200 for QR, 50 for the rest. Defaults to None.
            width (int, optional): The width for the generated code. The default is 200. Defaults to None.
            errorcorrectlevel (str, optional): The level of which the QR code should be recoverable. The options are:
                "L" (up to 7% damage)
                "M" (up to 15% damage)
                "Q" (up to 25% damage)
                "H" (up to 30% damage). Defaults to None.
            url (str, optional): The URL to hyperlink to when the barcode/qrcode is clicked. Defaults to None.
            rotation (int, optional): The rotation angle of the barcode/qrcode (in degrees, counterclockwise). Defaults to None.
            background_color (str, optional): The background color for the barcode/qrcode. default: white/ffffff.
                You can provide a hex value; html named colors like red, white, purple; rgb(255, 0, 0) or any other css supported format. Defaults to None.
            padding_width (int, optional): The width padding of the inserted qrcode/barcode. default 10. In pixels. Defaults to None.
            padding_height (int, optional): The height padding of the inserted qrcode/barcode. default 10. In pixels. Defaults to None.
            extra_options (str, optional): If you want to include extra options like including barcode text on the bottom. 
                The options should be space separated and should be followed by a "=" and their value.
                E.g.: "includetext guardwhitespace guardwidth=3 guardheight=3".
                Please visit for all the options. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, data, type)
        self.height: int = height
        self.width: int = width
        self.errorcorrectlevel: str = errorcorrectlevel
        self.url: str = url
        self.rotation: int = rotation
        self.background_color: str = background_color
        self.padding_width: int = padding_width
        self.padding_height: int = padding_height
        self.extra_options: str = extra_options

    def _dict_suffixes(self) -> Dict:
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.height is not None:
            result['_height'] = self.height
        if self.width is not None:
            result['_width'] = self.width
        if self.errorcorrectlevel is not None:
            result['_errorcorrectlevel'] = self.errorcorrectlevel
        if self.url is not None:
            result['_url'] = self.url
        if self.rotation is not None:
            result['_rotation'] = self.rotation
        if self.background_color is not None:
            result['_background_color'] = self.background_color
        if self.padding_width is not None:
            result['_padding_width'] = self.padding_width
        if self.padding_height is not None:
            result['_padding_height'] = self.padding_height
        if self.extra_options is not None:
            result['_extra_options'] = self.extra_options

        return result


Inherited members

class Code (name: str, data: str, type: str)

The abstract base class for QR-codes and barcodes


name : str
The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
data : str
The data for this Code object.
type : str
For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
Expand source code
class Code(Element, ABC):
    """The abstract base class for QR-codes and barcodes"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, data: str, type: str):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            data (str): The data for this Code object.
            type (str): For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
        super().__init__(name) str = data
        self.type: str = type

    def available_tags(self) -> FrozenSet[str]:
        return frozenset({"{|" + + "}"})

    def _dict_suffixes(self) -> Dict:
        """Get the suffixes that need to be appended to the keys of the dict representation of this Code object.

            Dict: the suffixes that need to be appended to the keys of the dict representation of this Code object
        result = {}

        if self.type is not None:
            result["_type"] = self.type

        return result

    def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
        result = {

        for suffix, value in self._dict_suffixes.items():
            result[ + suffix] = value

        return result



Inherited members

class EmailQRCode (name: str, receiver: str, cc: str = None, bcc: str = None, subject: str = None, body: str = None)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an email QR-code element


name : str
The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
receiver : str
The receiver of the email
cc : str, optional
The cc for the email. Defaults to None.
bcc : str, optional
The bcc for the email. Defaults to None.
subject : str, optional
The subject for the email. Defaults to None.
body : str, optional
The body of the email. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class EmailQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an email QR-code element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        receiver: str,
        cc: str = None,
        bcc: str = None,
        subject: str = None,
        body: str = None
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            receiver (str): The receiver of the email
            cc (str, optional): The cc for the email. Defaults to None.
            bcc (str, optional): The bcc for the email. Defaults to None.
            subject (str, optional): The subject for the email. Defaults to None.
            body (str, optional): The body of the email. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, receiver, 'qr_email') str = cc
        self.bcc: str = bcc
        self.subject: str = subject
        self.body: str = body

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if is not None:
            result['_email_cc'] =
        if self.bcc is not None:
            result['_email_bcc'] = self.bcc
        if self.subject is not None:
            result['_email_subject'] = self.subject
        if self.body is not None:
            result['_email_body'] = self.body

        return result


Inherited members

class EventQRCode (name: str, summary: str, startdate: str = None, enddate: str = None)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an event QR-code element


name : str
The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
summary : str
The summary.
startdate : str, optional
The start date. Defaults to None.
enddate : str, optional
The end date. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class EventQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an event QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, summary: str, startdate: str = None, enddate: str = None):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            summary (str): The summary.
            startdate (str, optional): The start date. Defaults to None.
            enddate (str, optional): The end date. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, summary, 'qr_event')
        self.startdate: str = startdate
        self.enddate: str = enddate

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.startdate is not None:
            result['_event_startdate'] = self.startdate
        if self.enddate is not None:
            result['_event_enddate'] = self.enddate

        return result


Inherited members

class GeolocationQRCode (name: str, latitude: str, longitude: str = None, altitude: str = None)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a geolocation QR-code element


name : str
The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
latitude : str
The latitude.
longitude : str, optional
The longitude. Defaults to None.
altitude : str, optional
The altitude. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class GeolocationQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a geolocation QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, latitude: str, longitude: str = None, altitude: str = None):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            latitude (str): The latitude.
            longitude (str, optional): The longitude. Defaults to None.
            altitude (str, optional): The altitude. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, latitude, 'qr_geolocation')
        self.longitude: str = longitude
        self.altitude: str = altitude

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.longitude is not None:
            result['_geolocation_longitude'] = self.longitude
        if self.altitude is not None:
            result['_geolocation_altitude'] = self.altitude

        return result


Inherited members

class MeCardQRCode (name: str, first_name: str, last_name: str = None, nickname: str = None, email: str = None, contact_primary: str = None, contact_secondary: str = None, contact_tertiary: str = None, website: str = None, birthday: str = None, notes: str = None)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a MeCard QR-code element


name : str
The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
first_name : str
The first name.
last_name : str, optional
The last name. Defaults to None.
nickname : str, optional
The nickname. Defaults to None.
email : str, optional
The email. Defaults to None.
contact_primary : str, optional
The primary contact. Defaults to None.
contact_secondary : str, optional
The secondary contact. Defaults to None.
contact_tertiary : str, optional
The tertiary contact. Defaults to None.
website : str, optional
The website. Defaults to None.
birthday : str, optional
The birthday. Defaults to None.
notes : str, optional
The notes. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class MeCardQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a MeCard QR-code element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        first_name: str,
        last_name: str = None,
        nickname: str = None,
        email: str = None,
        contact_primary: str = None,
        contact_secondary: str = None,
        contact_tertiary: str = None,
        website: str = None,
        birthday: str = None,
        notes: str = None
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            first_name (str): The first name.
            last_name (str, optional): The last name. Defaults to None.
            nickname (str, optional): The nickname. Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): The email. Defaults to None.
            contact_primary (str, optional): The primary contact. Defaults to None.
            contact_secondary (str, optional): The secondary contact. Defaults to None.
            contact_tertiary (str, optional): The tertiary contact. Defaults to None.
            website (str, optional): The website. Defaults to None.
            birthday (str, optional): The birthday. Defaults to None.
            notes (str, optional): The notes. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, first_name, 'qr_me_card')
        self.last_name: str = last_name
        self.nickname: str = nickname str = email
        self.contact_primary: str = contact_primary
        self.contact_secondary: str = contact_secondary
        self.contact_tertiary: str = contact_tertiary str = website
        self.birthday: str = birthday
        self.notes: str = notes

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.last_name is not None:
            result['_me_card_last_name'] = self.last_name
        if self.nickname is not None:
            result['_me_card_nickname'] = self.nickname
        if is not None:
            result['_me_card_email'] =
        if self.contact_primary is not None:
            result['_me_card_contact_primary'] = self.contact_primary
        if self.contact_secondary is not None:
            result['_me_card_contact_secondary'] = self.contact_secondary
        if self.contact_tertiary is not None:
            result['_me_card_contact_tertiary'] = self.contact_tertiary
        if is not None:
            result['_me_card_website'] =
        if self.birthday is not None:
            result['_me_card_birthday'] = self.birthday
        if self.notes is not None:
            result['_me_card_notes'] = self.notes

        return result


Inherited members

class QRCode (name: str, data: str, type: str)

This class is a subclass of Code and serves as a superclass for the different types of QR-codes


name : str
The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
data : str
The data for this Code object.
type : str
For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
Expand source code
class QRCode(Code):
    """This class is a subclass of Code and serves as a superclass for the different types of QR-codes"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, data: str, type: str):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            data (str): The data for this Code object.
            type (str): For the different types of QR-codes and barcodes, we refer to the Cloud Office Print documentation.
        super().__init__(name, data, type)

        self.dotscale: float = None
        self.logo: str = None
        self.background_image: str = None
        self.color_dark: str = None
        self.color_light: str = None
        self.logo_width: Union[str, int] = None
        self.logo_height: Union[str, int] = None
        self.logo_background_color: str = None
        self.quiet_zone: int = None
        self.quiet_zone_color: str = None
        self.background_image_alpha: float = None
        self.po_color: str = None
        self.pi_color: str = None
        self.po_tl_color: str = None
        self.pi_tl_color: str = None
        self.po_tr_color: str = None
        self.pi_tr_color: str = None
        self.po_bl_color: str = None
        self.pi_bl_color: str = None
        self.timing_v_color: str = None
        self.timing_h_color: str = None
        self.timing_color: str = None
        self.auto_color: bool = None
        self.auto_color_dark: str = None
        self.auto_color_light: str = None

    def set_dotscale(self, dotscale: float):
            dotscale (float): For body block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1"""
        self.dotscale = dotscale

    def set_logo(self, logo: str):
            logo (str): Logo Image (At center of QR)"""
        self.logo = logo

    def set_background_image(self, background_image: str):
            background_image (str): Background Image"""
        self.background_image = background_image

    def set_color_dark(self, color_dark: str):
            color_dark (str): Dark color of the QR code"""
        self.color_dark = color_dark

    def set_color_light(self, color_light: str):
            color_light (str): Light color of the QR code"""
        self.color_light = color_light

    def set_logo_width(self, logo_width: Union[str, int]):
            logo_width (str): Width of logo"""
        self.logo_width = logo_width

    def set_logo_height(self, logo_height: Union[str, int]):
            logo_height (str): Height of logo"""
        self.logo_height = logo_height

    def set_logo_background_color(self, logo_background_color: str):
            logo_background_color (str): Background color of the QR code"""
        self.logo_background_color = logo_background_color

    def set_quiet_zone(self, quiet_zone: int):
            quiet_zone (int): For padding around QR code"""
        self.quiet_zone = quiet_zone

    def set_quiet_zone_color(self, quiet_zone_color: str):
            quiet_zone_color (str): Color of padding area"""
        self.quiet_zone_color = quiet_zone_color

    def set_background_image_alpha(self, background_image_alpha: float):
            background_image_alpha (float): Background image transparency, value between 0 and 1. default is 1"""
        self.background_image_alpha = background_image_alpha

    def set_po_color(self, po_color: str):
            po_color (str): Global Position Outer color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`"""
        self.po_color = po_color

    def set_pi_color(self, pi_color: str):
            pi_color (str): Global Position Inner color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`"""
        self.pi_color = pi_color

    def set_po_tl_color(self, po_tl_color: str):
            po_tl_color (str): Position Outer color - Top Left"""
        self.po_tl_color = po_tl_color

    def set_pi_tl_color(self, pi_tl_color: str):
            pi_tl_color (str): Position Inner color - Top Left"""
        self.pi_tl_color = pi_tl_color

    def set_po_tr_color(self, po_tr_color: str):
            po_tr_color (str): Position Outer color - Top Right"""
        self.po_tr_color = po_tr_color

    def set_pi_tr_color(self, pi_tr_color: str):
            pi_tr_color (str): Position Inner color - Top Right"""
        self.pi_tr_color = pi_tr_color

    def set_po_bl_color(self, po_bl_color: str):
            po_bl_color (str): Position Outer color - Bottom Left"""
        self.po_bl_color = po_bl_color

    def set_pi_bl_color(self, pi_bl_color: str):
            pi_bl_color (str): Position Inner color - Bottom Left"""
        self.pi_bl_color = pi_bl_color

    def set_timing_v_color(self, timing_v_color: str):
            timing_v_color (str): Vertical timing color"""
        self.timing_v_color = timing_v_color

    def set_timing_h_color(self, timing_h_color: str):
            timing_h_color (str): Horizontal timing color"""
        self.timing_h_color = timing_h_color

    def set_timing_color(self, timing_color: str):
            timing_color (str): Global Timing color"""
        self.timing_color = timing_color

    def set_auto_color(self, auto_color: bool):
            auto_color (bool): Automatic color adjustment (for data block) (default is false) (set to false if using background images)"""
        self.auto_color = auto_color

    def set_auto_color_dark(self, auto_color_dark: str):
            auto_color_dark (str): Automatic color: dark CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true) (dark color prefered, otherwise may lead to undetectable QR)"""
        self.auto_color_dark = auto_color_dark

    def set_auto_color_light(self, auto_color_light: str):
            auto_color_light (str): Automatic color: light CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true)"""
        self.auto_color_light = auto_color_light

    def _dict_suffixes(self) -> Dict:
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.dotscale is not None:
            result['_qr_dotscale'] = self.dotscale
        if self.logo is not None:
            result['_qr_logo'] = self.logo
        if self.background_image is not None:
            result['_qr_background_image'] = self.background_image
        if self.color_dark is not None:
            result['_qr_color_dark'] = self.color_dark
        if self.color_light is not None:
            result['_qr_color_light'] = self.color_light
        if self.logo_width is not None:
            result['_qr_logo_width'] = self.logo_width
        if self.logo_height is not None:
            result['_qr_logo_height'] = self.logo_height
        if self.logo_background_color is not None:
            result['_qr_logo_background_color'] = self.logo_background_color
        if self.quiet_zone is not None:
            result['_qr_quiet_zone'] = self.quiet_zone
        if self.quiet_zone_color is not None:
            result['_qr_quiet_zone_color'] = self.quiet_zone_color
        if self.background_image_alpha is not None:
            result['_qr_background_image_alpha'] = self.background_image_alpha
        if self.po_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_color'] = self.po_color
        if self.pi_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_color'] = self.pi_color
        if self.po_tl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_tl_color'] = self.po_tl_color
        if self.pi_tl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_tl_color'] = self.pi_tl_color
        if self.po_tr_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_tr_color'] = self.po_tr_color
        if self.pi_tr_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_tr_color'] = self.pi_tr_color
        if self.po_bl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_po_bl_color'] = self.po_bl_color
        if self.pi_bl_color is not None:
            result['_qr_pi_bl_color'] = self.pi_bl_color
        if self.timing_v_color is not None:
            result['_qr_timing_v_color'] = self.timing_v_color
        if self.timing_h_color is not None:
            result['_qr_timing_h_color'] = self.timing_h_color
        if self.timing_color is not None:
            result['_qr_timing_color'] = self.timing_color
        if self.auto_color is not None:
            result['_qr_auto_color'] = self.auto_color
        if self.auto_color_dark is not None:
            result['_qr_auto_color_dark'] = self.auto_color_dark
        if self.auto_color_light is not None:
            result['_qr_auto_color_light'] = self.auto_color_light

        return result




def set_auto_color(self, auto_color: bool)


auto_color : bool
Automatic color adjustment (for data block) (default is false) (set to false if using background images)
Expand source code
def set_auto_color(self, auto_color: bool):
        auto_color (bool): Automatic color adjustment (for data block) (default is false) (set to false if using background images)"""
    self.auto_color = auto_color
def set_auto_color_dark(self, auto_color_dark: str)


auto_color_dark : str
Automatic color: dark CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true) (dark color prefered, otherwise may lead to undetectable QR)
Expand source code
def set_auto_color_dark(self, auto_color_dark: str):
        auto_color_dark (str): Automatic color: dark CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true) (dark color prefered, otherwise may lead to undetectable QR)"""
    self.auto_color_dark = auto_color_dark
def set_auto_color_light(self, auto_color_light: str)


auto_color_light : str
Automatic color: light CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true)
Expand source code
def set_auto_color_light(self, auto_color_light: str):
        auto_color_light (str): Automatic color: light CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true)"""
    self.auto_color_light = auto_color_light
def set_background_image(self, background_image: str)


background_image : str
Background Image
Expand source code
def set_background_image(self, background_image: str):
        background_image (str): Background Image"""
    self.background_image = background_image
def set_background_image_alpha(self, background_image_alpha: float)


background_image_alpha : float
Background image transparency, value between 0 and 1. default is 1
Expand source code
def set_background_image_alpha(self, background_image_alpha: float):
        background_image_alpha (float): Background image transparency, value between 0 and 1. default is 1"""
    self.background_image_alpha = background_image_alpha
def set_color_dark(self, color_dark: str)


color_dark : str
Dark color of the QR code
Expand source code
def set_color_dark(self, color_dark: str):
        color_dark (str): Dark color of the QR code"""
    self.color_dark = color_dark
def set_color_light(self, color_light: str)


color_light : str
Light color of the QR code
Expand source code
def set_color_light(self, color_light: str):
        color_light (str): Light color of the QR code"""
    self.color_light = color_light
def set_dotscale(self, dotscale: float)


dotscale : float
For body block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
Expand source code
def set_dotscale(self, dotscale: float):
        dotscale (float): For body block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1"""
    self.dotscale = dotscale


logo : str
Logo Image (At center of QR)
Expand source code
def set_logo(self, logo: str):
        logo (str): Logo Image (At center of QR)"""
    self.logo = logo
def set_logo_background_color(self, logo_background_color: str)


logo_background_color : str
Background color of the QR code
Expand source code
def set_logo_background_color(self, logo_background_color: str):
        logo_background_color (str): Background color of the QR code"""
    self.logo_background_color = logo_background_color
def set_logo_height(self, logo_height: Union[str, int])


logo_height : str
Height of logo
Expand source code
def set_logo_height(self, logo_height: Union[str, int]):
        logo_height (str): Height of logo"""
    self.logo_height = logo_height
def set_logo_width(self, logo_width: Union[str, int])


logo_width : str
Width of logo
Expand source code
def set_logo_width(self, logo_width: Union[str, int]):
        logo_width (str): Width of logo"""
    self.logo_width = logo_width
def set_pi_bl_color(self, pi_bl_color: str)


pi_bl_color : str
Position Inner color - Bottom Left
Expand source code
def set_pi_bl_color(self, pi_bl_color: str):
        pi_bl_color (str): Position Inner color - Bottom Left"""
    self.pi_bl_color = pi_bl_color
def set_pi_color(self, pi_color: str)


pi_color : str
Global Position Inner color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark
Expand source code
def set_pi_color(self, pi_color: str):
        pi_color (str): Global Position Inner color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`"""
    self.pi_color = pi_color
def set_pi_tl_color(self, pi_tl_color: str)


pi_tl_color : str
Position Inner color - Top Left
Expand source code
def set_pi_tl_color(self, pi_tl_color: str):
        pi_tl_color (str): Position Inner color - Top Left"""
    self.pi_tl_color = pi_tl_color
def set_pi_tr_color(self, pi_tr_color: str)


pi_tr_color : str
Position Inner color - Top Right
Expand source code
def set_pi_tr_color(self, pi_tr_color: str):
        pi_tr_color (str): Position Inner color - Top Right"""
    self.pi_tr_color = pi_tr_color
def set_po_bl_color(self, po_bl_color: str)


po_bl_color : str
Position Outer color - Bottom Left
Expand source code
def set_po_bl_color(self, po_bl_color: str):
        po_bl_color (str): Position Outer color - Bottom Left"""
    self.po_bl_color = po_bl_color
def set_po_color(self, po_color: str)


po_color : str
Global Position Outer color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark
Expand source code
def set_po_color(self, po_color: str):
        po_color (str): Global Position Outer color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`"""
    self.po_color = po_color
def set_po_tl_color(self, po_tl_color: str)


po_tl_color : str
Position Outer color - Top Left
Expand source code
def set_po_tl_color(self, po_tl_color: str):
        po_tl_color (str): Position Outer color - Top Left"""
    self.po_tl_color = po_tl_color
def set_po_tr_color(self, po_tr_color: str)


po_tr_color : str
Position Outer color - Top Right
Expand source code
def set_po_tr_color(self, po_tr_color: str):
        po_tr_color (str): Position Outer color - Top Right"""
    self.po_tr_color = po_tr_color
def set_quiet_zone(self, quiet_zone: int)


quiet_zone : int
For padding around QR code
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def set_quiet_zone(self, quiet_zone: int):
        quiet_zone (int): For padding around QR code"""
    self.quiet_zone = quiet_zone
def set_quiet_zone_color(self, quiet_zone_color: str)


quiet_zone_color : str
Color of padding area
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def set_quiet_zone_color(self, quiet_zone_color: str):
        quiet_zone_color (str): Color of padding area"""
    self.quiet_zone_color = quiet_zone_color
def set_timing_color(self, timing_color: str)


timing_color : str
Global Timing color
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def set_timing_color(self, timing_color: str):
        timing_color (str): Global Timing color"""
    self.timing_color = timing_color
def set_timing_h_color(self, timing_h_color: str)


timing_h_color : str
Horizontal timing color
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def set_timing_h_color(self, timing_h_color: str):
        timing_h_color (str): Horizontal timing color"""
    self.timing_h_color = timing_h_color
def set_timing_v_color(self, timing_v_color: str)


timing_v_color : str
Vertical timing color
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def set_timing_v_color(self, timing_v_color: str):
        timing_v_color (str): Vertical timing color"""
    self.timing_v_color = timing_v_color

Inherited members

class SMSQRCode (name: str, receiver: str, sms_body: str = None)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an SMS QR-code element


name : str
The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
receiver : str
The telephone number for the receiver of the sms
sms_body : str, optional
The body of the sms. Defaults to None.
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class SMSQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate an SMS QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, receiver: str, sms_body: str = None):
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            receiver (str): The telephone number for the receiver of the sms
            sms_body (str, optional): The body of the sms. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, receiver, 'qr_sms')
        self.sms_body: str = sms_body

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.sms_body is not None:
            result['_sms_body'] = self.sms_body

        return result


Inherited members

class TelephoneNumberQRCode (name: str, number: str)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a telephone number QR-code element


name : str
The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
number : str
The telephone number
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class TelephoneNumberQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a telephone number QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, number: str):
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            number (str): The telephone number
        super().__init__(name, number, 'qr_telephone')


Inherited members

class URLQRCode (name: str, url: str)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a URL QR-code element


name : str
The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
url : str
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class URLQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a URL QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, url: str):
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            url (str): The URL
        super().__init__(name, url, 'qr_url')


Inherited members

class VCardQRCode (name: str, first_name: str, last_name: str = None, email: str = None, website: str = None)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a vCard QR-code element


name : str
The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
first_name : str
The first name.
last_name : str, optional
The last name. Defaults to None.
email : str, optional
The email. Defaults to None.
website : str, optional
The website. Defaults to None.
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class VCardQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a vCard QR-code element"""

    def __init__(self, name: str, first_name: str, last_name: str = None, email: str = None, website: str = None):
            name (str): The name for this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag).
            first_name (str): The first name.
            last_name (str, optional): The last name. Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): The email. Defaults to None.
            website (str, optional): The website. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, first_name, 'qr_vcard')
        self.last_name: str = last_name str = email str = website

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.last_name is not None:
            result['_vcard_last_name'] = self.last_name
        if is not None:
            result['_vcard_email'] =
        if is not None:
            result['_vcard_website'] =

        return result


Inherited members

class WiFiQRCode (name: str, ssid: str, wifi_encryption: str, wifi_password: str = None, wifi_hidden: bool = None)

This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a WiFi QR-code element


name : str
The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
ssid : str
The ssid of the WiFi
wifi_encryption : str
The encryption type
wifi_password : str, optional
The WiFi password Defaults to None.
wifi_hidden : bool, optional
Whether or not the WiFi is hidden. Defaults to None.
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class WiFiQRCode(QRCode):
    """This class is a subclass of QRCode and is used to generate a WiFi QR-code element"""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        ssid: str,
        wifi_encryption: str,
        wifi_password: str = None,
        wifi_hidden: bool = None
            name (str): The name of this Code object (Cloud Office Print tag)
            ssid (str): The ssid of the WiFi
            wifi_encryption (str): The encryption type
            wifi_password (str, optional): The WiFi password Defaults to None.
            wifi_hidden (bool, optional): Whether or not the WiFi is hidden. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(name, ssid, 'qr_wifi')
        self.wifi_password: str = wifi_password
        self.wifi_encryption: str = wifi_encryption
        self.wifi_hidden: bool = wifi_hidden

    def _dict_suffixes(self):
        result = super()._dict_suffixes

        if self.wifi_password is not None:
            result['_wifi_password'] = self.wifi_password
        if self.wifi_encryption is not None:
            result['_wifi_encryption'] = self.wifi_encryption
        if self.wifi_hidden is not None:
            result['_wifi_hidden'] = self.wifi_hidden

        return result


Inherited members